Thursday, November 24, 2011

Why are they talking impeachment of the Illinois Governor?

He has not charged, tried or convicted. What happened to the "innocent until proved guilty" concept of our constitution?|||Do you even know what impeachment means? Read the dictionary before you question the correct use of a word!

im路peach (m-pch)

tr.v. im路peached, im路peach路ing, im路peach路es


a. To make an accusation against.

b. To charge (a public official) with improper conduct in office before a proper tribunal.

So, making an accusation against Blagojevich is the correct procedure. They have cause to believe that he tried to sell this seat for personal gain, and they're following the rules.|||good question im not really sure|||"innocent until proven guilty" still applies but because he works in public service, and there is sufficient evidence, they can remove him from office.

Keep in mind a Governor has a ton of power and other leaders can't sit by and let someone accused of a crime like this continue to make crucial decisions.|||The guy is obviously power mad . Unless you give to him like a dictator he will not do anything for you . As corrupt as the government is why would you even think about defending this jerk|||This is one of the clearest cases of political corruption in history.To try to blatantly use his political status for monetary gain was an over the top move that has cost him the trust of democrats,republicans, and the public in general.If this case is not punished to the fullest extent of the law then the entire public loses.|||Impeachment is a trial. He is very lucky to be getting a trial.

We don't have that type of justice thing any longer. We have returned to vigilante justice.

The mother of the little girl in Florida has been declared guilty by the new vigilantes. OJ Simpson was declared guilty by the vigilantes even after a jury acquitted him. And the mobs are demanding blood in those cases.

Soon we will be hanging people on the courthouse lawn again. Without bothering to go inside first.

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