Saturday, November 19, 2011

Does the impeachment of Governor Blagojevich remind you of something you saw on Animal Planet?

114 Illinois State Representatives, may from the Chicago area, voted articles of impeachment against one of their own, there was only 1 "no" vote to counter them.

Doesn't this remind you of an episode from Animal Planet where predatory lions, or wild dogs or maybe piranhas turned on the one who was injured, or sick, or too hold to hunt and cannibalized one of their own kind?|||Yes, Blagojevich has made a lot of enemies, and they are having a field day.

However, how about impeaching Roland Burris? He doesn't have the enemies that Blago has, so they're covering up for him.

Burris contributed about $ 20,000 to Blago, and then his "consulting firm" made about $ 300,000 in Illinois contracts!!! Pay-for-play is alive and well, and thriving---and Burris gets a Senate seat, to boot.

What a bargain!

But they're letting Burris get away with it, and now he'll get a Senate seat, where the bribes, kickbacks and crony-deals are far more lucrative!

Business as usual with the politicians.|||It reminds me of a lynching. Everyone has convicted this man without a trial.

i don't know if the charges are right or not.. but he doesn't stand a chance. Big miscarriage of justice.. America is becoming very good at that.|||I'm an animal lover.....and I love Animal Planet.... but get Blago the heck out of office...No. 1 priority. He's a loony bin and insists on continuing his crap and letting everyone on this planet see how really sick he is!|||No the animals are at least a bit more civilized than the democrats, they turn on their own for survival reasons instead of just trying to save face when one of them gets caught doing something wrong.|||No. He reminds me of a game show host.

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