Thursday, November 24, 2011

How can the people start impeachment process to remove President Bush?

VOTE. Get all the chickenhawk Republicans and Democrats out of the House and Senate.|||try to find people in this country to rally with you. that will not be hard to do. the whole world hates us for what he has done.|||Can not be done. Only congress can do that and they will not unless the Democrats gain a majority which is doubtful.|||Even if you could, the most important thing is to support oppositional parties in '08 and remind your friends CALMLY of things that went wrong over the last 8 years.

Some will say they voted for President Bush and like him, but are too embarrassed to tell the truth.

Study your points of contention, have them ready, and don't let anyone change the subject or attack you personally.|||Actually, it's almost impossible to impeach him. Impeachment is a total misconception. You cannot just impeach him because he is a bad man (which I totally agree with you on), and because he sucks at living (also I agree with that), and that he brings religion to the politics all the time.

But impeachment is only taken place when the House and Senate feel he has done something morally insane, such as kill somebody, or like Nixon, steal Democratic plans.

But since most of the Congress is pro Bush, and Repbulicans, we got to deal with him for another two years.|||You know, I don't know how we could go about that, but I really want to thank you for proposing it. If you find that a petition is a good start, I will be the second to sign it(following you, I'm sure). I have ideas that may would make the process quicker and easier, but I dare not say them because I'm not crazy or ballsy enough to carry it out, nor would I want to be investigated simply for creatively stating my opinion.|||If the Democrats gain control of the House, watch out.|||They can't. It's started in the House, and voted on by the Senate. But first, the President has to commit a crime, which he has not done. Bill Clinton, however, did commit crimes(whoa-crimes is plural). He also passed on Sudan handing over Bin Laden (but didn't pass on favors from the White House staff), gave missile guidance technology to the Chinese, blew up a bunch of empty tents in the Afghan desert, and, well you get the picture-well, actually you don't - you wrote this ridiculous question. You probably would have preferred Kerredy instead, a guy(not a man) who turned against his own troops in Vietnam, and who is undermining them today.|||The people can't. The Constitution outlines the proceedure for impeachment.

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