Saturday, November 19, 2011

If Obama is so horrible why has no one brought up impeachment?

Clinton has the best presidency of the century and he just had a little quickie. But meanwhile everyone (from the media to almost all the people in america who don't have patience) complain that he is all this and all that but no one has brought up impeachment. at least not seriously anyways. so what''s up?|||You're going to say that Clinton was better than Teddy, Wilson, FDR, Truman, JFK, and Regan.

Otherwise, he's done nothing impeachable. Blame the Congress for being lobby whores and not reprisenting their consituentcy.|||You need a reason for impeachment. You obviously don't know enough.|||Educate the lib time:

It has to be a high crime or misdemeanor.

Time to go back to the 8th grade.|||oh they have... in fact they brought that up the day he was elected ...

seriously the man wasn't even in office when they brought it up.|||He's still more popular than bush was when he left office. Obama hasn't broken the law and he's doing a good job considering the shambles bush left him to deal with.|||Dude, these questions are lose, lose for anyone supporting Obama. You're gonna do nothing but stress yourself out reading all of these yahoo's comments. I've been on here for 5 minutes and I already want to punch a republican't in the nuts.|||Because you can't get impeached for doing a crappy job, you can get impeached for doing something illegal. The reason Clinton had impeachment hearings was because he was accused of Lying under oath (perjury). We'll just have to wait out another 3 years or so for Obama to leave or actually do something lol|||You cannot impeach a dictator.|||I highly doubt he will ever be impeached.

If a President can't be impeached for breaking the law of land, violating this countries policies on war, and for breaking international law on war, then I don't see Obama getting impeached for much of anything.

Oh wait. You can get impeached for committing adultery, but if you're a war criminal you're A OK.|||You need a real reason for impeachment now that the Independent Council Law from the Nixon era expired. Ken Starr was the last special prosecutor under that law.鈥?/a>|||Because he is not that bad, and actually quite good. You are listening to bollocks from the losers, and drama sops.|||only things he has done has been exactly what the same cabal that gave the orders to dubya told both of them to do, they wont impeach for following their orders except possibly for political show.|||Some ultra-crazy right-wingers have. (In spite of the fact that he hasn't done anything that would have a rational person even thinking about this.)|||Um, the POTUS needs to be found committing a high crime or misdemeanor in order to be impeached. Doing a lousy job isn't an impeachable offense.

And you are one of many who are under the assumption Clinton was impeached for having an affair. He was not. He was impeached for committing perjury during deposition for the Paula Jones case.

The Lewinsky evidence was irrelevant to the case Clinton was impeached for and wasn't considered by Senate. Only the media made a big deal of it.|||Haven't you noticed, it's the Administration who is in battle with itself! They are the ones who are actually trying to push this Health care Plan into action! Obama only SIGNs or rejects the damn thing! CUTE eh! on Obama's part! We don't know what goes on behind the scenes. We don't know WHAT he is saying to them, or ordering them to execute his wishes! All we hear, are his speeches. WE put his name on the label, so to speak! If the Administration crossed the line, and breaks the law and the Constitution, it won't be Obama's neck in the noose! He may be the worst President we have ever had, but, he is NOT stupid!!! The Senators will be blown out of the water before he is! Somewhere in the Constitution, there is a paragraph where the whole Adminstration CAN be impeached! We just have to find the right infraction in order to do it! Yes, OBama has lied from the word GO. but you can't impeach him for that! The only thing we can do is, watch, listen and wait. When this gang gets TOO cocky, someone is going to drop the ball! The only other alternative is a revolution! It worked all those years ago when KIng George was in Power, but, Obama's presence has got this country so divided, it would turn into a political civil war. We should never have elected him in the first place. This country was definately not ready for such a CHANGE!!|||...Impeachment is a difficult process (Clinton made it easy because he lied to Congress (Dec. 18th 1998)... but now Obama could be tried for Constitutional TREASON ! Obama violated his Oath of Office when he gave aid and comfort to an enemy of the United States by giving Abd Al Rashim Al Nashiri a "pass" from being prosecuted for the MURDERS of the 17 U.S. Navy Sailors from the U.S.S. Cole (DDG 67) that took place on 10/12/2000 while the Ship was at anchor... The MURDERING (rag-head, scum bag) was arrested for the crime and taken to Guantanamo where... Obama gave him "aid and comfort" by not allowing him to be prosecuted for the MURDERS of US Navy Sailors ! ...Obama needs to be arrested and tried for the crime and if convicted...(in time of War)...SHOT !|||He has to break the law to be impeached.|||You do not impeach a President because you don't like him.

You impeach a President because he has broken the law.

The impeachment of Clinton should stand as a perfect example of the negatives of using the impeachment process for a politically motivated lynching. It cost Gingrich his career.

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