Saturday, November 19, 2011

21 Days and still no impeachment papers: How many more promises will the new Republican congress break?

Issa guaranteed the first thing would be impeachment for Sestak.

Kyl stated that Obama's spending to protect the border was paramount to treason.

Bachmann said that the new Congress would do nothing but investigate the president for his treason, yet she has done NOTHING!!! Yesterday she didn't mention one word about investigating.

Why did they lie about impeaching the President? Why are they letting the crypto-Muslim Marxist traitor continue to destroy the country?|||Because they know the constitution doesn't allow them to impeach the president. But they know that their audience isn't that smart and will believe Obama committed an impeachable offense if they just say it often enough - or at least believe it long enough to go vote. It's political marketing 101 and it appears you bought it. Try to remember that lie when the next elections roll around.|||Whenever a politician talks it's a lie, it's what they do.|||you really have no clue on reality do you

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