Thursday, November 24, 2011

What are the reasons for why and why not Bush should be put on impeachment ?

Lately, some state governments have called for Bush impeachment. What are the reasons against Bush? What are the reasons for supporting Bush ?|||Well, first of all, to impeach a president, they must be guilty of a "high crime or other misdemeanor" as stated in the U.S. Constitution.

For: Failure to secure America's borders (ultimately national security is his responsibility). While I'm not sure this is a good idea, it's probably the closest thing to an impeachable offense Bush has actually done (from a legal perspective).

Against (and understand, this is where people get their facts wrong. Extremely wrong).

The CIA 'leak': First of all, the president is the one who decides what can and cannot be declassified. So, how can he leak if he's the one who makes a determination of what is legal to disclose %26amp; what is not? Also, it wasn't done to get back at Plame; it was done to expose a violation of CIA's anti-nepotism rules (though it was handled badly, I think).

The 'warrantless wiretaps'. Oh, is this ever misunderstood. For a wiretap to require a warrant, it must originate AND terminate within the United States. This is not the case with these intercepts, which involve overseas calls. And we're not talking Grandma Edith calling over from England to her twelve-year-old granddaughter here in the States. What happens is this: Based on the information gathered from captured terrorists' computers, we input the information to our supercomputers at the NSA. Those computers then spit out who those numbers belong to, and we see why these people were in contact with the captured terrorists. Also, the senior Congressional leadership *was* briefed, as were the chief judges of the FISA courts -and guess what? *All* of them agreed the president has inherent authority to conduct such programs, and that FISA does not apply here.

Starting a war based on false premises: Well, what were the premises? Specifically, that Iraq had and was trying to develop WMDs, and was becoming a real threat. Joe Wilson (who by the way has been totally discredited) notwithstanding, the president never actually said Iraq was an imminent threat. It was a building threat, and one that could have turned out much worse if we waited, but it *was* a threat.

Ties to the bin Ladens? What the hell? There's like 54 of them just in Osama's generation, for crying out loud. There aren't all that many Saudis, and in the oil business in general it's tough to avoid even making an acquaintance.

Falsifying intelligence? That's kind of tough to do when you have no actual input on what is collected, how it's collected, and the analysis of it. Besides, intelligence isn't perfect; otherwise it would be predicting the future, which intelligence does not actually do. And when the CIA, MI6 (British), DGSE (French), and SVR (Russian) *all* agree on something, you can generally assume they know what they're talking about, especially Britain %26amp; Russia, who are probably the two best in the world. Besides, Team B hasn't existed for like 20 years, and AIPAC doesn't have any real influence here.

Failure to properly assist in the Katrina disaster. Well, given the fact that the Constitution (specifically the 10th Amendment) restricts the feds' ability to act until they get a request for assistance from the state governor -which by the way happened AFTER the hurricane hit. Sure, FEMA screwed up, but I'd say that was a failure at the local %26amp; state levels as well, not just federal.

War crimes? Oh please...the only mass graves in Iraq are ones Saddam left (you know, the guy we caught in a spider hole). I don't know *where* one would get these 'atrocity' stories from, but what seems to be the problem here is a fundamental opposition to anything any military does as 'war crimes'. By the logic imparted whenever Bush is accused of 'war crimes', these same critics could be labeled 'traitors' or 'spies'. Sheesh.

Failure to get peace in the Middle East. Well, that's kind of tough to do when one of the parties involved has said the only peace they can accept is when the other side gets wiped out. And where does it say in U.S. law or the Constitution that the president is legally required to fix this problem?

Running the economy into the is 4% growth (a very good rate by ANY objective standard) running the economy into the ground? Perhaps someone has us confused with France %26amp; Germany.

Running a secretive administration. With all the leaks at the lower levels in the intelligence %26amp; defense communities (the real leaks, not this Plame nonsense), what's trying to happen is conduct policy in an orderly manner, rather than have it twisted %26amp; falsified in the press, and then have valuable time wasted trying to correct the misinformation.

Quite frankly, I could go on with these refutations, but I know that a) I won't get taken seriously and b) that the whole reason all these people want to see Bush impeached is BECAUSE THEY DISAGREE WITH HIS POLICIES AND THE WILL OF THE MAJORITY OF THIS COUNTRY. Like I said above, the president must have committed a "high crime or other misdemeanor" to warrant impeachment %26amp; removal from office. Disagreeing with someone's policies does NOT actually make them a criminal. If it did, every one of us would be facing criminal charges.|||Absolutely brilliant. But he is a war criminal.

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|||Reasons for: He's broken numerous laws.

Reasons against: You make half a million plus a year and you could give two s%26amp;*ts about anyone else.|||Bush will prove to be the worst president that this nation ever had or will have. The man cannot walk on his own, never mind intelligent matters. He is not a bad man, just plain and simple minded, yes, even a man like Bush can get elected president in America.....KECK|||bush will prove to be one of the best presidents we ever have...spreading democracy and freedom around the world..putting down terrorism...keeping our economy on the right road...and hopefully fixing the immigration and social security problems if the dems ever get out of the way|||WARRANTLESS WIRETAPS



I COULD GO ON AND ON.|||Maaah Cause he is a war criminal

but on the good side... Sorry, but you see foreigners don't see any good side!|||Is being a chimp a impeachable offense. Really you have a lot of good answers above me and that is my attempt at humor.|||cia leak scandal, ties to bin ladens and states harboring terrorism (saudis), links to enron and other economic hit men companies, falsigying intelligence to invade a country due to pressure from team B and AIPAC, despite blowback from Arab/Muslim world, failure to properly assist in the Katrina disaster, failure to create a SINGLE reconciliatory program to resolve issues with the middle east, running a secretive, reticent administration with little or no transparency, war crimes, running the american economy into the ground and increasing the deficit and the debt 100 fold, smearing the name of two highly decorated war veterans, neglecting education reform altogether, feigning an alternative energy program, running detente with foreign nations into the f*king ground, allowing/condoning abu ghraib, keeping an incompetent secretary of defense on the job well after he failed this country...|||I cannot think of a single reason why he shouldn't be impeached!on the other hand it was the good old american citizens who elected him so maybe he shouldn't be impeached but they should be!all supporters should be sent to abu gharib and gitmo and kept there until the awakening or the democrats release them lol.|||^^ that guy knows whats up

whats wrong with the rest of you all!?!!? you must understand that the united states had to move into "defensive mode" after the terrorist attacks of 9/11...Bush is doing everything in his power to make Godamn sure that our people are protected. You say that to declare war on iraq was wrong...they didnt have wmd's...blah blah...saddam didnt do anything wrong...sure...he tortures and kills his own people...he used nerv gas on the kurds before op dessert storm...the big picture is...HAS THERE BEEN A TERRORIST ATTACK ON AMERICA SINCE 9/11??? The answer is no. We are the Last remaining superpower and we must flex our muscle to stay that way. Sure Bush is a bad public speaker %26amp; "he's" made some bad decisions, but its as much his staffs fault as his own. Bush has sent the message "If you **** with America we'll put a boot in your *** cuz thats the American way"...Had Kerry been elected, we would still be in war, yet the war would be on American soil instead of theirs...Between Us and them i choose us. Everyone is so narrowminded and not looking at the big picture, take a step outside and look at what Bush is doing. You wonder why everyone hates us...its because EVERYONE ENVIES US. The home of the brave, the home of the free, the greatest country the world has ever seen. Americans be Americans. Take your "Kerry 4 President" bumper stickers off your cars and get behind our leader because our division makes us weak. If you have an opinion voice it in your vote when that comes around. =)

Semper Fi. Ooooooooooorah

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