Everyone was saying Bush should be impeached because of illegal wiretaps. It still continued into the Obama administration, therefore he is just as guilty as Bush. Why aren't the same people screaming and yelling for Bush to be impeached not yelling and screaming for Obama to be impeached? I mean, fair is fair, right? Or am I not allowed to use the word "fair" because it is a liberal concept?|||Soon - There are people who support and love this guy BUT it is clear that these people do not know the history of this country - they are of the “new breed” - that is infiltrating Washington - who espouse European ideas and socialistic philosophies. I personally think these people are despicable and should be banished from any responsibilities that have to do with the taxpayers of this great country.
Obama is running wild in Washington doing anything he wants - traveling the world apologizing for America, kissing the hand of the Saudi King - whom he shouldn’t give the time of day, buddying up with Communist leaders Chavez and Castro - but Obama does what he wants - and his wants are poisoning the Washington landscape with his vile Socialist and Fascist philosophies. His weakness is even felt by the leaders of the other countries - and America is now seen as a pathetic, about to be socialized - third rate country. o_O|||If Bush was not impeached for lying us into a war, Obama simply cannot be impeached.|||Right after bush %26amp; cheney go on trial for treason.|||I wasn't aware any impeachment proceedings were ever initiated against dubya.|||"continued into the Obama administration". He's only been in office 4 mos. Where is your evidence that it continues in the current President's administration.|||Well, you see that Bush survived. Now it's your turn to suck it up and deal.|||Right after Bush?|||well i guess you'll have to wait forever, because he's not corrupt. so there will never be any probable cause to impeach him.|||But, as always with liberals, it's different because their guy is the one doing the thing.
Everything Bush did was evil, and everything BO does is good, pure, and wonderful.
It's just that simple.
.|||it doesnt matter, they can yell all they want. its up to the government to figure out if the president has done something unconstituational.|||I never thought Bush should be impeached over wire-tapping. I thought Bush should be impeached for intentionally misrepresenting intelligence to justify an invasion of a country that didn't attack us. Obama hasn't done anything nearly that bad yet.|||right after Bush's trial for TREASON|||It doesn't. Please prove a felony.|||Obama didn't study constitutional law for nothing. He won't commit an impeachable offense. He may use the constitution to his advantage or bend things a little, but he'll never commit an impeachable offense. The best way to get him out of office is to vote him out. The past is the past and nothing can be done to change it.|||February 32nd.|||Come on now..is that gonna help the cause?|||The response is - it is allowed in the Patriot Act - they fail to mention that Obama Team went over what was allotted in the bill. And yes, where is the outcry????? Same thing - different Pres makes it ok then? Hypocrites!|||Yeah sure, fair is fair.
Bush didn't get impeached for it so Obama won't either.|||Just as soon as you cough up something to impeach him on.
Bush wiretaps were illegal.
Now they have oversight and structured under FISA.
You don't demand immunity for something that isn't illegal.|||i didn't want bush impeached for wire tapping, although i did disagree with it, just as I do now. I wanted bush impeached for war profiteering. BIG difference.|||A person can’t truly love America and Obama too, for to truly love one is to truly hate the other.
May God protect the American People and the Free World from the Democrat Party and Barack Hussein Obama.
Semper Fi|||Give me break.|||he is trying to befriend our enemies, and when it backfires it will be bigtime. if it winds up hurting America, maybe then we can get back to peace through power.|||still nothing has been done for Bush which he lied, tortured, murdered so Obama is look like an angel compare to him...|||Let's start the proceedings right now. That way, by Memorial Day our President will be found "Not Guilty" by a 70-30 vote in the Senate, and you people will be exposed, yet again, as the damn fools that you are.|||I think the policy should be changed, no matter who is doing it at the moment. The warrantless wiretapping was just the tip of the iceburg when it came to legitimate reasons to impeach Bush/Cheney. I find it ironic that the right wingers are now bemoaning the surveillance state that their fearless leader spent a great deal of time and energy putting in place. It's a whole different story when it's you and not the liberal commie peace activists who are the targets.|||Bush should of been impeached for murdering over 4000 american soldiers on an illegal invasion. Now he needs to be tried for war crimes.|||bush and cheney never committed treason, unlike bam bam. negotiating with terrorists. i wish someone would relieve him of his misery already.|||Oh, stop. Don't stoop the the idiocy level of the "impeach Bush" leftists. It's unseemly.
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