Thursday, November 24, 2011

How long before conservatives start screaming for Obama's impeachment?

Do you mean how long will it be before idiots start screaming for his impeachment? Probably not long. There were plenty of them around screaming for Bush's impeachment, so why should that change now? An idiot is an idiot. And this country is awash in idiocy. People think they can impeach a president for picking his nose. Idiots.|||i am screaming so loudly I'm hoarse.|||Why? He's the reason we'll retake congress in 2010.|||Not long at the rate that he is committing impeachable offenses.|||About three weeks before he was inaugurated.|||probably by 2011....the damage should be sufficient.|||After seeing all the non-job-related socialist programs embedded into his "stimulus" package.... I hope there are serious discussions TODAY to remove this guy from office.

Dem or Repub...... we need TRANSPARENCY and HONESTY and we're not getting either from Obama.

Like Clinton and his perjury.... there are some things that SHOULD be more important to us than "party politics". If we allow the SYSTEM to be corrupted, then we ALL are hurt.|||Three weeks ago !!!!!|||Are you getting nervous. Well,you should.|||Not soon enough|||They're already hoarse|||Plenty here already have. Kinda sad really...|||The Drama Queens were preaching that before the inauguration.|||Right after they read the constitution for the definition of impeachment and create a new definition.|||After this stimulus bill, raise in gas prices, nationalization of banks, etc. I hope SOON.|||Where have you been? These morons have been screaming impeachment since the election, apparently not smart enough to know that you can't impeach someone who hasn't taken office and apparently under the misconception that impeachment is nothing but a political dog an pony show. A misconception brought on by the right wing Clinton witch hunt. Conservatives are loser, and poor losers at that who apparently can't understand that in a democracy it is the majority that sets the rules and apparently still feeling that we should all be supporting their failed agenda.|||When he breaks the law

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