Saturday, November 19, 2011

How did Bush avoid impeachment? Any good ideas?

Speaker Pelosi said that she would table any articles of impeachment. Conyers and Kucinich created 2 documents of impeachment.Conyers wrote to tell me he has changed his mind.There has been no president who has committed so many illegal activities than our current president. War crimes, suspending the writ of habeas corpus,torture, falsifying evidence presented to congress to justify war, "preemptive war", firing state attorneys for not suppressing the vote, using phone companies to listen in on private conversations and total incompetence and the list goes on.|||Because much of the big money that backed Obama came from the same people/entities that backed Bush. Pelosi, Reid, Dean et al made a deal with the devil. They agreed to fore-go impeaching Bush to get their man in office.

Politics as usual. No real change. |||Nancy Pelosi said he is just not worth the time or effort.|||BECAUSE THERE ARE NO GROUNDS TO IMPEACH PRESIDENT GEORGE W. BUSH !


S.F.C.U.|||national security is more important than getting panties in a bunch.|||No crime no impeachment.|||Because he was a damn good president, who was elected TWICE!!! Obama is gonna screw things up wait and see... |||Total incompetence is now a reason for being impeached? If that were the case, every President would have been impeached! |||He knows where the skeletons are buried|||Most of the stuff they had against him was false or exaggerated or it was someone else's fault. Clinton left the situation in very bad shape and did many terrible things but the media was protecting him from that. He helped the terrorists and helped the war in Bosnia to continue, helped the wicked every time, befriended Arafat (7 times visiting the white house) and no one complains just because they decided to like him. He was retaliating if anyone said anything about him and some people went to jail or disappeared. One had a very mysterious plane crash. These were those who knew of his illegal activities and were about to let the public know. Clinton deserved impeachment far more than Bush. The media was just harassing Bush so everyone who gets all their news from the secular media believed all that garbage.|||Because for the first 6 years of his presidency, the Democrats didn't have a majority in either house of congress. In the last two years, they've had enough of a majority in the house, but the senate majority required participation from the 2 independents, which includes Lieberman. There are currently only 49 dems in the senate.

Any articles of impeachment would have failed in the Senate, so it was pointless (to the dems) to waste what political prowess they did have on a sure to fail idea.

So, we'll just have to wait for Bush to become a private citizen so Vincent Bugliosi can try him for murder, as is planned.

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