Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Would you be in favor of impeachment of Mr. Obombo for not enforcing immigration laws?

Surely someone should be held accountable. He's been in office for 16 months now and still refusing to uphold the immigration laws.|||Impeaching him isn't enough. That's just the trial. He needs to be convicted %26amp; removed. But with a dem congress, it won't happen. %26amp; wussy republicans, if they get power, would do it.|||No. But if he does something impeachable, I'll be right up there with you.|||Please provide evidence that Mr. OBAMA is not enforcing immigration laws. The TSA is working every day and in fact more border guards have been hired. You are watching too much Fox News, alas.|||it's not a high crime or misdemeanor so - no|||It wouldn't fly. Not enforcing that law is not impeachable.|||Once again, he is President Obama to you, and second only Congress can impeach. Since they are part of the problem in getting a workable plan to handle illegal immigrants, there will be no impeachment.|||Even if that were true, it is neither a "high crime" nor a misdemeanor, so it would be an invalid reason to impeach.|||Impeachment %26amp; conviction. Ooohh I hope Sestak has proof. But for failure to enfoce immigration laws, every president since Eisenhower is guilty.|||We need welfare reform! If people realize that they can't get a free meal ticket when coming to the US, they will think harder before trying to cross that border and breeding like cockroaches. Yes, we were all immigrants at one point, but I am sure our ancestors did not come to the US and free-loaded off of welfare.|||You would first have to point out why it is not solely his doing and not the previous 10 administrations that preceded him. There are a lot better impeachable offenses than the immigration issue, like offering a bribe to one candidate for dropping out of a senatorial race. Most of those in Congress are guilty of violating their oath of office, so what would begin with the right intentions would end up as a free for all. Lets just vote them all out of office, and pay a little bit more attention to what we're doing next time we vote eh?|||Because colored people need to band together to try to beat us whites

even so they CANT beat us white people, we discovered America (no body) was here. That is true of Equal Opportunity Employment it is a scam when you have Racial and gender profiling in Radio Shack and Vicotorias Secret through affirmative action discrimination.|||AZ SB 1070 is a state law, and the executive brance of the US government has nothing to do with enforcing state laws. As has been pointed out, not enforcing immigration laws would not be an impeachable offense. Just curious if you were in favor of impeachment, when Mr. Bush also wasn't enforcing the immigration laws.|||maybe Calderon was right----it has been the appetite for drugs by americans that contribute to continued problems.....the drug cartels are running mexico, american drug users are profitting of the drug sales, and the mexican illegals are running amok pillaging our country....it is time for the people of this country to UNITE and stop this !!!!! Obammy is diggin his own hole and come next election time----something is gonna give.....if these invaders are not stopped-----we have not seen the worst of anything yet.


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