Tuesday, December 6, 2011

If Obama acted like Bush did during the Tsuanami would the country be demanding an impeachment?

Bush was on vacation when the tsunami hit, and did nothing for 3 days, then on day four he made a brief mumbled statement for about 40 seconds, and offered to send 15 million in US aid to be divided up among the 18 or so countries affected. Later he was reprimanded and decided to make it 35 million instead.|||Obama does not like America, Americans or the American way of life. After 12 months or so in office, the American taxpayers are beginning to really get to know Barack Hussein Obama.

The Lefties repeatedly pitch our nation as an evil, bigoted, greedy, capitalistic, militarily-oppressive regime that loves to squish the underdogs.

It is America that rocks the hardest in regard to real relief. We blow away other nations. Whether it is a tsunami or an earthquake, you can count on evil, mean, nasty, bigoted, murderous, Christian American men and women to be the first responders to offer no-BS help in time of need.

It’ll be interesting to see how many (and at what level) Muslim organizations and nations, atheist organizations, Code Pink, PETA punks, Chavez and Castro, GLSEN, euro-socialist dillweeds, Green Peace, and Avatar’s woodsy blue people pony up and help the Haitians through their hellish nightmare. I wonder if they’ll even come close to our American Judeo-Christian largesse?

It’s also really interesting to me how mean, white Americans run to relieve a city that’s 99.9% black without blinking. At least we’re not going around like Reid, Biden and Byrd and calling them “clean Negroes” who can turn their black slang on and off. o_O|||Of course.

If Bush had waited 7 months to make a decision to send or withdraw troops... there would have been a civil uprising.

Obama is NOT Bush.

Obama is given a pass... by the press, by non-whites, by the young...|||Quit complaining about Mr. Bush. It is childish. The US did everything it could to help victims...who happened to be about 10,000 miles away from the US.

Haiti is 200 miles away. See a difference?|||Bush was not on vacation and made a special trip to LA to urge the governor and Ray Nagin to evacuate and they refused to do so. Bush placed FEMA and had the NG placed on stand by so after Katrina hit the NG was able to go right in and start reliefe efforts.

the big tragedy in NO was the fault of the Democrats in charge to take measures to ensure the peoples safty. since then those democrat leaders have been replaced with republicans.|||I'm glad Obama took swift action. Problem is, He has issues with swift action whenever it comes to most issues in the United States.|||You Bush blamers are every bit as funny as the birthers...thanks for the laugh.|||If Bush had taken sides in a local issue and sided with his friend and called the police racist there would have been an uprising too.

If the Fed made RECORD profits under Bush, Dims would call for an investigation but not when BHO is president.

If Bush spent like Obama, Dims would have called for a balanced budget amendment, but we all know this isn't the case for Obama.|||I don't fault Bush. There are other countries in the world. There are many countries that are a little closer to Indonesia than the USA that are also "modern." Indonesia has not always been our friend especially not in recent years and Burma just wanted the cash. I'm all for contributing an equal share to other Muslim countries. (The Muslim countries didn't contribute anything).

Good for Bush!

Obama, our hero, could he be using this as a giant photo op?|||Don't you dare start making this tragedy into a political partisan "blame bush" game. What a despicable attitude!

You notice conservatives are not incessantly mentioning how it took Obama 6 days to react recently. When a president is on vacation, according to democrats, the nation should be thankful to those who are handling the situation very well...thank you very much!|||stop worrying about politics and send a ******* 5 dollar donation instead.

the tsunami killed like 30k people or something, the death toll in haiti is expected by some to reach well over half a million.

and just because earthquakes cause tsunamis does not mean they're the same ******* thing you ignorant c*nt, a tsunami's just a wave. half of a country got destroyed the other day, and its like the 3rd or 4th poorest country behind burkina fasso and sierra leone and whatnot in west africa. have some ******* respect!

p.s. i hated bush just for the record, but F*CK YOU|||Herein lies all of America`s current problems : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UErR7i2on… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4-AKcH3e…|||Amazing as it may seem, Earthquakes in Asia or Haiti are NOT OUR PROBLEM.

A Recession is our problem.

That Bush in good times gave a couple million each to 18 countries is commendable.

And since many of these were anti US Muslim nations, the fact he wanted to give HALF that is ALSO commendable.

Compare this to the INSANITY of Obama who, in a RECESSION, is pledging 100 MILLION to a SINGLE nation KNOWN as a perpetual money pit of corruption.

WTF? Obama is a walking hemorrhage of American tax dollars - but you think he's a GENIUS because he acted QUICKLY.

REALLY? You think Barry did good here?

Your answer is NO.

My guess is that half the nation is pissed because Obama has NOT acted like Bush.

Seriously, Obama makes Bush look brilliant.|||Your statement is false. The first link is probably where you got your lies from. The second is the actual story.

Please stop spreading lies. It is one thing to disagree politically, quite another to try to destroy people's faith in America. Our Naval Vessels responded to the Tsunami struck areas as soon as they heard. The valiant American Crewmen even rationing their own drinking water to help those in distress.

I hope you were only misled and not deliberately spreading this nonsense.

Compare the two links. I await your retraction.

*|||Do you even know what "impeachment" means?

Please, take a civics class before you start throwing around words you don't understand.

Nothing Bush did to help after the Tsunami, and nothing Obama is doing now to help with the earthquake, are "impeachable offenses".|||Regardless of any Tsunami, Bush or any other excuse you can come up with Obama should be impeached for crimes of high treason.|||Links please. Obama is catching up with Bush .Incompetence takes no practice. Obama and Bush came by it naturally.

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