Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Who else is happily awaiting the impeachment of Obama due to his involvement with Blagogate?

and posibily Khalidi, Ayers, Rezco, etc...

wouldn't it be wonderful if it happened on the same day as his inaugeration.|||It's all coming. Just as soon as Blago starts singing (and he will), we are going to find out all kinds of good stuff about all of Chicago. This does include Barry O. Sorry libs.|||He has already been cleared of involvement with Blagojevich.

And I am surprised at the willingness to attack Obama for his sitting on the same board with Ayers. Apparently you didn't hear who was funding those projects. Turns out that both George W. Bush and John McCain were funding those projects; George W. Bush on a personal level and John McCain on both a personal level and a professional level (earmarked money for the Anenburg Foundation).

You guys were still willing to vote for McCain, and have already voted twice for Bush. Even when Bush had, in addition to the involvement with Bill Ayers, his connections to Osama bin Laden.

The Bush family and the bin Laden family have had multiple oil deals together. And George H.W. Bush was CIA director when the CIA was training Osama bin Laden in explosives training for his fight with the Soviet Union. Oh, and he was also CIA director when the CIA gave Saddam Hussein his biological and chemical weapons for his fight against both the Soviet Union and Iran. There's also the fact that George W. Bush's younger brother, Neil, was in charge of security for United Airlines on 9/11/2001. You know Flight 93? Neil Bush was in charge of their security.

So George W. Bush is not the only Bush with an interesting story for that day.

You guys still stuck with your candidates. Why the double standard for Obama? Especially since you guys have tenuous connections at best for him, while all those things Bush was connected to have been proven.|||quote from Bloago wire tap

Blagojevich "said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but 'they鈥檙e not willing to give me anything except appreciation. F**k them,'"

Obama's role in all this; offering Blago thing but appreciation for doing the people's work.

Blagojevich "said he knows that the President-elect wants Senate Candidate 1 for the Senate seat but 'they鈥檙e not willing to give me anything except appreciation. F**k them,'"

That says it all.|||I'm not happily awaiting anything of the sort, even though I didn't vote for Obama (or McCain). I'd much rather see Bush %26amp; Cheney impeached and imprisoned for their war crimes first.|||..and then you woke up, and it was the same Rebel flag on the wall of your trailer as it was last night when you drank too much PBR and passed out.

...did you ever get the Camaro up and running? Or is it still sitting up on blocks beside your deck?|||The entire conservative fiction fan club is happily waiting ,.

and waiting,..

and waiting,..

Someone should really tell them that it's just a story.|||I think you will be "happily awaiting" Obama's Impeachment for over 8 years. I'd rather see a happy person than a angry one. So keep that smile on your face.|||Talk and action are 2 very different things. All they have now is talk.

Is this your replacement for the failed Citizenship "scandal"? LOL. You make Conservatives look bad.|||The voices in your head told you about Obama's involvement with Blagogate?|||elections over,the people have spoken,go away.|||OOOH Lordy his baby moma ain't gonna get no skrimp at the recepshun|||Oh Get Over Yourself !|||I CAN'T WAIT|||Don't really understand what's going on, do we?

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