Friday, December 2, 2011

Does anyone realize impeachment proceedings have been started to oust Bush?

Does anyone realize that Dennis Kucinich is speaking before the house right now, dictating his Resolution 333, referring to the impeachment of both the president and vice-president?

He has so far gone through 24 of his 35 articles of impeachment. Every single one of them is extremely articulate, well thought out, researched, annotated with sources and quotes. They are all understandable in plain language as to why the president has acted illegally and against the Constitution and should be removed from office.

Why isn't this getting any coverage? Why won't any media outlet even mention it in passing? We have the worst president in history, with the lowest appoval rating of any president ever; he's run this country into the ground; made us the laughing stock of the international community. And there's not even a passing mention of this?

What's going on?|||If this is the case, it has not been widely televised because the media is controlled and manipulated to say what the people in power want it to say.|||Ok, heres the scoop. No one gives a hoot about President Bush and his disasters anymore. Its useless to impeach him now since he only has a couple of months left. Anything major that he would want to accomplish would wouldn't be able to get done in time and if you were able to impeach him that person would be president for about 2 months so no one cares because it is NEVER GONNA HAPPEN. Might have happened a year ago, but still unlikely, Presidents rarely if ever get impeached, except in some extreme cases as in Nixon, where he was connected with a felony.|||only thing that I found on the internet was cspan's live feed鈥?/a>

edit: i also asked a question about "will it matter"

edit2: after reading some of the Neo-Con answers here and on my question. I think America deserves another 3rd term of President Bush. sheesh...|||Someone needs to tell Nancy Pelosi as she said if she was given Speaker of the House - that would never happen.

Hmm wonder if she cares or even knows what is happening in Washington.....since Bush's term ends in November I wonder why anyone would bother wasting more taxpayer money.|||Because it's silly. Proceedings haven't been started, Kucinich is just asking about it. And it was constitutional since congress voted for the war.|||You think we have the worse pres in history? I guess you forgot Jimmy peanut Carter. Man, I like Bush and wish he could run again.|||right wing media|||Not true.|||I am really glad you posted this...... is there a website with details........ Yes life has been s*** since he came into office........|||Check Congressional Quarterly. They log all bills votes and and stuff that will show you how old res. 333 is. I "think" 333 was brought to the floor for consideration years ago, but 333 had no support when the Republicans had control of the House. The House of Reps. didn't draft a new resolution . They just stopped proceedings by simply "tabling" the issue and withdrew it from consideration on the House of Representatives Floor. Anytime the Executive Branch decides we are at war and enacts the War Powers Act it

it'll get few in the Legislative Branch Pissed AND nothing pisses anti-war politicians off more than being a Republican/conservative/god fearing/oil man, than a man who is willing to go to war without begging for permission from the Congress.

They Rep's.will do their very best pump up the drama for their "15 minutes of fame."

Truthfully, Do you think Dennis Kucinich wants the VP slot with Obama?|||Though there are sufficient votes in the house to impeach Clueless George, the only Republican Senators that would vote to convict the little pipsqueak are those who want to be reelected.

So it probably won't happen, no matter how much he deserves it. Clinton deserved to be convicted too.

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