Friday, December 2, 2011


Bill Clinton was impeached for telling a lie about an extra-marital affair.Nobody was physically hurt by that.

George Bush lied about the reasons for war in Iraq,resulting in the deaths of some 3000 Americans and countless thousands of Iraqis.

When do his Impeachment hearings start?|||They wont. Americans wont admit it but they find war to be a national pride thing.They even have festivals to recreate civil war battles, and it was the most divisive an destructive war in our history. And as far as B.Clinton goes the republicans just needed a bone to chase. Clinton will always be more popular than Bush.|||hopefully soon...but the way the GOP has controlled everything, not likely.|||I hope soon to help make democrats look even more foolish then they already do.|||Re-look at the charges that got clinton impeached. President Bush has done nothing to be impeached for.|||The intelligence was given to him by Clinton.|||The actions towards Clinton and your opinion of Bush is why America is so divided today. Mud slinging politics gets nothing done and creates ire instead of unifying.|||They won't, to much money involved for it to happen. I agree, he was responsible for the 9/11 myth so he could justify his war for big business and oil money for himself and his friends. If I had the chance, I would shoot him, Cheney, Rice and Rumsfeld for what they have done to this country.|||Let's say that the Democrats take the House next month. Let's say that they start impeachment proceedings. The charge against Bush won't be "perjury," like it was against Clinton, because Bush's "lie" wasn't in the context of being under oath. But the Democrats will trump up something anyway.

The outcome in the Senate will be the same with Bush as it was with Clinton. A waste of effort.|||Never going to happen. If the government worked the way it's supposed to, then yes it certainly would. But our government is in the hands off Illuminati Satanists, who are hell bent on getting rid of as many of us as they can.|||They wont. People should learn more about how the government works before complaining about it.|||Pay attention.

If he gets impeached (which is like indicted) and nothing else right now, he will still be in the presidency and there won't be much change.

If he gets impeached and removed from office now, then we will have Cheney as president for at least 2 years, and if there's any change it will be that everything that has been going wrong will be going wrong more intensely.

If he and Cheney get impeached and removed from office now, then the Speaker of the House becomes president for 2 years (this may shed some light on why things have been reveiled about or targeted on the Speaker of the House lately).

To have a positive result from Bush's having been in office, the whole machinery of those who are puppet-mastering him must be revealed, all benefits from having been president/ cabinet minister must be removed from them, and congress has to take back the war powers.

For that to work, we cannot rely on the few ethical repulicans, so the first step is to ringingly put in a Demogratic Congress who can successfully grill the administration.|||Although I think he has done plenty to be impeached for, at this stage of the game we should just ride it out and hope he doesn't do any other blaringly stupid things.Maybe we can neuter him come November in order to avert complete disaster within the next two years.|||They won't, not untill we get rid of his friendly republicans and get some straight talking and straight forward democrats in thier place.|||While I completely agree with you, which is scarier "President Bush" or "President Cheney"?|||His impeachment hearings start as soon as AMERICANS are elected to Congress in sufficient numbers.

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