Friday, December 2, 2011


If the Republicans tried to I mpeach Bill Clinton for getting his knob polished. Then why isn't G.W Bush being Impeached for Not doing anything about Gas Prices? Is it because he owns stock in oil companies and is making millions as we speak?|||HOLD ON THERE, BUCKO! Clinton lied under oath. that is perjury. also, NUMBER 1) Bush is not the president and ruler of the world.

NUMBER 2) Bush can't control gas prices. Congress makes laws, not Bush. the reason i say this is because Congress can make a law, which they haven't done, to lower gas prices.

NUMBER 3) People blame Bush for Katrina, which shot up gas prices. the only reason gas prices went up is because oil companies in America could not refine oil or ship it. you own an oil company and see what gas prices do when a NATURAL DISASTER (SOMETHING BUSH COULD NOT HAVE DONE) occurs. also, Exxon Mobil is the leading oil comany in THE WORLD. they set the bar for gas prices, NOT BUSH.



AND IF YOU ARE TIRED OF GAS PRICES, GET A BIKE, BUCKO!|||For those who say because Clinton lied under oath and Bush hasn't, could that be because Bush refused to appear under oath the times he was called to answer questions of Congress. If Bush had nothing to hide, why refuse to go under oath?|||what a joke.

Its your own party thats to blame for the gas prices then you whine about it. hahhahaha

Who says no to drilling?


Who says no to new refinerys?

democrats|||LOL are you serious? You want to impeach over gas prices? ROFLMAO..

No no.. seriously now... We pay a FRACTION of what the rest of the world pays. Everyone else pays what we do PER LITER!!! Do the math...|||Not doing anything about gas prices??? what about leading us into a destructive unnecessary war that has killed and maimed and murdered and tortured thousands upon thousands???|||Funniest bumper sticker I've seen in a while - Somebody please give George Bush a headjob so we can impeach him!

George Bush is no conservative! I wish people would stop saying that! He took a record budget surplus %26amp; turned it into a record deficit. He has consistently worked at taking away citizen rights, not protect them. I know we are in the middle of a war but it still a sorry record.

Vote Libertarian - the ONLY freedom party in the USA!|||Impeachment is for "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors", not cost of gas. He should be impeached for trampling on the constitution (the ex branch is not empowered to declare war for example).|||I think the actual reason given for impeachment was that

he lied to the Congress (perjury) - not why he lied.

There is currently no paper trail indicating corruption

regarding the energy industry and the administration.

However - the current President obviously lied to

the entire Congress (and everyone else) during his

Consititutionally required State of the Union speech when

he said that he KNEW that the Iraqis had weapons of

mass destruction. Clearly he didn't know that.

Whereas Clinton's lie might, perhaps, have offended people

and made people mistrust our government a little more than

they already mistrusted it...

Bush's lie has resulted in the deaths of 3000+ Americans

and "around 30000" Iraqis (presumably more by now, several

months after Bush said that).

Oh yeah, and people mistrust our government a little more

than they used to ...

According to the Constitution, the grounds for impeachment

are "High Crimes and Misdemeanors". I'm no Constitutional

scholar, so I don't know if lying during the State of the Union

fits - but it sure seems like it ought to.

However, the House of Representitives is Republican and

pretty partisan, so I doubt that Bush could be impeached

short of murdering someone during the shooting of

American Idol.|||Same reason they did not do anything to Clinton when the prices when up, or to Carter when gas prices went up. Prices ahve went up each year during each president.

And in general why the total money is large, the actual percent profit is not very much.

Next it is not the Presidents fault, he has tried, he has tried many times to get approval to drill off shore, he has tried many times to get to drill in Alaska in restricted areas, but Congress and liberals will not let it happen. so pointing the finger at the wrong person|||Because it is perfectly legal for him to own stock in oil companies and the government, according to the constitution of the United States, is not responsible for worrying about how much people pay for gas. It is a huge inconvienience but as oil companies are in no way related to the government, it is up to them to dictate prices.

And Bill Clinton was impeached because he lied under oath repeatedly though his disgusting actions deserved it by themselves.|||Capitalism is against the law now? WTF is wrong with this generation..|||Why bother with semi-trivial and hard-to-prove issues like that?

Bush has admitted to thousands of instances of willful violation of federal law (FISA and Title III) for his warrantless wiretapping program.

He is also guilty of violating Common Article 3 of the Geneva convention (as confirmed last month by the US Supreme Court), which is itself defined as a "war crime" under 18 USC 2441. So, that's several hundred more violations of federal criminal law.

But apparently, we're no longer a nation that cares about following the laws.|||GOD idea! I am all for it!|||finally someone knows the truth Impeach!!!!!!!!!!|||Because Bill Clinton lied under oath, which is the crime of perjury. Bush not doing something about gas prices is not a crime. Learn the way the law works and it makes sense.|||Well, clinton didn't get impeached because he was titillating ugly 20 year old interns with illegal cigars, it was because he lied about it to a grand jury.

Since the futures market sets the price for oil, it would be difficult if not impossible to prove President Bush did anything wrong.

Oh, I too own shares of BP and Exxon and am making millions. Too bad you wasted your money on xboxes and ipods, huh.|||That is not a impeachable offense, anyway, you'd better go after the oil company CEO's.|||You bunch of idiots!!! Clinton committed perjury. Do you think Clinton owns now or then any oil stock? He is happy too, ever thought why he hasn't said anything about the price of oil but keeps mouthing off on the AIDS issue?? He owns stock in the pharmaceutical companies that are bidding on medication destined to the U.N effort to help AIDS' countries...Oops, hope your bubble wasn't too big, but POP!!!! We pay a FRACTION of what the developed world pays for oil, and you still want to bithc??!!! I lived in Europe and I cannot believe how much they pay!! That's why no one owns an SUV or Dually pick-up out there!!! Consider our luck as an Employee Discount for the shti we are enduring from America hater jack off's like you and the rest of the world!! If you want to point fingers on market fraud and favoritism, check this site, then come back on here and ask 'Why do ALL politicians cheat us with the market?' Azzholes! Ignorant azzholes!鈥?/a>|||I don't know why, maybe the sheer numbers against such a motion. Bush SHOULD be impeached for the gas price, war, and spying program to name a few.|||you really should read more and get you facts correct

clinton was impeached for lying to congress about his sexual misconduct!|||can't get in trouble for making money, besides, it's not the presidents fault gas is expensive, blame OPEC, ought to take over all those countries, then take all the oil for ourselves, muahahahahah.|||Excuse me and let me clarify something!I do not know what state your in, but I know certain states aren't going to agree?I was not born yesterday, but you asked the question and nothing personal to you? BILL CLINTON WAS IMPEACHED; NOT TRYED TO BE INPEACHED HE WAS IMPEACHED WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT!Also he was not aquitted by the senate because ,IT WAS NOT A POLICTICAL ISSUE! HE WAS IMPEACHED BY THE PEOPLE! Now to answer your question? I didn't vote for him but, he is doing what the people wanted I didn't want this and problay you didn't either, but the idiots were concern about the war and the liberials, which is really in adequate?The democrats put up all the money for the military and tell that to the retarded dufases republicans!DUH! REPUBLICIANS!.....And gave 250 billions to Iraq for a storm and we have to be slaves and work until we are dead and he said it?thats what he should of been IMPEACHED and SHOT for %26gt; My MOTTO: HELP YOUR OWN FIRST IF NOT THEN GO TO HELL TO THE GOVERNMENT!Yes! he is doing a great job, but remember this what the dufases republicans wanted, so their is no chance to impeach him and tell you the truth he is the best president that kept his word only for the reason that the people wanted so not to shoot him shoot them!He said it at the address when he was swore in and he said yoooooooooooooou!The look on John Kerry face especially when they went to the commerical break ?.....Joke and problay said it! I am going to be president for another four years? These people must love PAIN!They ware getting what they want! Hell to the republicians I say!?|||Why dont you write your congressmen and ask 'em?|||Yes, Bully...there is a Santa Claus, after all!

What you have said is true of all the bush family. The only reason we don't push for impeachment is because we know who his successor would be.

Let me see...which IS the lesser of the two evils???|||I dont know.. but he needs to be impeached Id vote for it! Not just for the oil prices but for also everything else.. lol|||Too stupid to prosecute! Insanity defense is a given!|||Democrat - Bill Clinton was impeached for getting his knob polished.

Republican - Bill Clinton was impeached for his lies to a grand jury thus obstructing justice.

What should the President do? And while we're at it, what's the democrats plan for lower gas prices. Imagine how big they could win in November if they could claim lower gas prices.

Want lower gas prices - lower demand. It's supply and demand.

1. Use public transportation.

2. Walk.

3. Build a refinery.

4. Drill more.

5. Buy an electric car.

6. Conserve.

7. Get states to lower their tax on gas.

8. Get the feds to lower their tax on gas.

9. Fewer gas blends that increase the cost of gas.

10. Get the middle east to lower the cost of a barrel of oil.

As far as millions, John Kerry is more finacially well off ( and pays less taxes).|||G.W Bush hasn't lied under oath like Bill Clinton did.|||Presidents do not get impeached over gas prices or for owning profitable stock, you ignorant putz.

They do, however, get impeached for lying under oath before Congress, lying under oath to a Grand Jury, and Obstruction of Justice.

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