Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Is a Special Council for Fast and Furious and an impeachment hearing on the killing of Al Awlaki bad news?

I used to think Biden was Obama's ace in the hole since no one would want Biden to be President. But Biden is looking pretty good right now.|||The thought of the three stooges running this country is in no way humorous to me. Obama and crime Inc. needs to go away.|||HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

No you mean the Obama team is looking really BAD

What qualifies a president for impeachment?

I was wandering around Y!A and I've been seeing a lot of questions about why we haven't impeached President Bush yet, and I was just wondering what exactly a President has to do in order to be impeached? Can a President be impeached just because the American public doesn't like him? Are there certain (for lack of a better word) things a president has to do before he can be impeached?

Also, please note that this question IS NOT about whether you or I think Bush should be impeached or not. I just want to know what a president has to do in order to be impeached.

Thanks!|||No, public opinion does not play a role in impeachment.

Treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemenors is the exact phrasing in the Constitution, and it can only be brought by a simple majority in Congress.

Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice, though he was acquited of the second charge. Nixon actually wasn't impeached since he resigned before the process was completed and then was pardoned by President Ford.|||To answer your question, it takes 218 Members of the House of Representatives to agree on some alleged high crime or misdemeanor the President has committed. If they can agree (218 being a majority vote in that body) then Article(s) of Impeachment are drawn up, case managers are assigned and those managers then present those articles to the Senate for that body to consider whether or not to vote for removal of the President from office.

The definition of a high crime or misdemeanor has never been clarified. It appears to be whatever those 218 Members of the House use as a definition. In the case of President Andrew Johnson, he was accused of violating a law which was later declared to be unconstitutional by the Supreme Court. |||"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."

Note that impeachment does not necessarily mean removal from office, although impeachment would open that possibility.

Can someone tell me what constitutes the congressional act of impeachment?

President Nixon and President Clinton were both impeached. What did they do that was so bad?|||Impeachment is the act of formally accusing an elected official of actions that justify removing them from office. After the House of Representatives impeaches someone, the Senate is supposed to act as the jury in a trial. The maximum punishment in an impeachment is removal form office, and ineligibility to be elected for office in the future. If the act for which a person is impeached is a crime, they can also face criminal charges once removed from office.

Nixon was actually NOT impeached. He escaped impeachment by resigning before the House voted for impeachment. The accusations involve covering up his re-election committee's breaking his opponents offices in the Watergate Hotel.

Clinton was impeached for LYING under oath in a sexual harassment lawsuit brought by Paula Jones. It is important to note that his sexual activity was NOT the reason for his impeachment. LYING about it in a court of law was the reason for impeachment.

One other President has been impeached in US history, Andrew Johnson. I don't recall the reason or the outcome. Impeachment also applies to other government officials, but I don't know what other officials may have been impeached.

Why do people keep calling for the impeachment of our President?

Could it be that the criteria for an impeachment is beyond their comprehension level?|||There is no constitutional basis for any impeachment hearings of George W. Bush|||BUSH HAS MET THAT CRITERIA MANY TIMES OVER...WHATS WRONG WITH YOU?|||Maybe they are still angry at their fathers!|||Because they are idiots that have no regard for facts or understanding of our many governmental processes.

Good day.|||look at dstr's previous question, asked only 5 mins ago.|||They're mainly liberals who think that GEORGE BUSH is the enemy, instead of the REAL enemy.|||I have to ad mitt I was wrong about "w" I predicted he would set this country back 10 years in reality it's more like 20 years.|||Yes, absolutely right you are.And they are morons too.I am not totally thrilled with GWB but there are NO grounds for impeachment other than the fact that their dreams are full of conspiracy theories and they just plain don not like his policies.They are not a very intelligent bunch!!!!|||AGREED ......... you can't impeached someone for being STUPID?|||cause maybe most people realize we were lied to about iraq he has pretty much set aside the constitution and is having people held in jail indefinetly without as much allowing them to have their day in court he is sneaky and to be honest the man disgusts me|||Well what it comes down to is that those people just dont like him. Because of their experience at their jobs they figure that you can always get someone fired if you dont like them and you ***** about it enough.|||Because some of us refuse to be led around like sheep. We don't 'follow the crowd' simply because others do. Maybe we can see further than the tip of our noses.

1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal "War of Aggression" against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization, and subjecting our military personnel to unnecessary harm, debilitating injuries, and deaths.

2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross.

3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel.

4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm.

5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant.

6. Violating the Constitution by using "signing statements" to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress.

7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006.

8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution.

9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus.

10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming.

11. Failure to uphold the Presidential Oath to protect, preserve and defend the Constitution of the United States:

The oath to be taken by the president on first entering office is specified in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution:

I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.|||If I did not have sexual relations with that woman is grounds for impeachment maybe the unnecessary deaths of 3000 Americans and 655,000 Iraqi should be also. The war was based on lies told by George W. Bush and his cabinet to congress, there is some proof that this war was started by Bush for his own personal gain. Which is illegal. He has broken both American laws by disregarding the constitution and international law by his authorization of treatment of prisoners. He should be impeached and then turned over to an international tribunal to be tried for his war crimes. Just because you do not see it does not mean that 70% of the American people and over 90% of people world wide are wrong.|||I haven't seen such calls, but if I had I would have asked those who called for the president's impeachment to provide me with a litany, chapter and verse, of those acts or omissions of the president that they regarded (and their reasons for so regarding them) as "treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors" within the meaning of Article II, Section 4, of the United States Constitution, which provides, in part, as follows:

"Section 4. The President, Vice President and all other civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors."|||Maybe some of you should investigate a little more he has committed impeachable offences, maybe you should check things out first.|||Because liberals lost two elections they feel they were entitled to win. They have gotten worse and worse.

What is the constitutional impeachment procedure for someone in the executive branch?

i need an explanation on how to impeach someone in the executive branch|||I believe that the House of Representatives brings up charges of wrongdoing. and the Senate actually holds the trial.|||How can anybody explain that here, read the Constitution, and do your own homework.|||The Constitution of the United States of America

Article II

Section 4. The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of,The Constitution of the United States of America

This is all that is in the Constitution on impeachment.

So the President must be convicted.

Now that Obama admitted he was born in a foreign country, can we procede with impeachment?

Did anyone catch snips of the News ball, or whatever its called, tonight on Fox or where Barack Hussein Obama admitted that he has higher approvals in his birth country? That sounds like an admission to me, joking or not. Saying it in front of a national audience is a legally binding statement.|||Way To go Georgie! You finally caught that sneaky bastard! Now put on your Georgie Cape and fly to D.C. with your taped proof and nail him. Thank you Georgie! I can't wait to wake up Monday morning turn on the news and see my hero Georgie receiving his award for saving the country and getting Obama impeached. Im all giddy with excitement. I can't wait.|||How utterly moronic

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I knew when I clicked on this question that Fox News was somehow involved.

Faux News does nothing but lie to their listeners who then are embarrassed on message boards when they repeat the crap they've been told.|||Hawaii in not a foreign country. It is a US state.|||"proceed" not "procede"

The correspondents dinner is meant to be HUMOR and not taken seriously. Making a statement on national TV is NOT considered legally binding testimony if it is meant as a joke - it only becomes legally binding if it is made UNDER OATH and the Correspondent's dinner does NOT qualify for that. Obama was born in Hawaii. Last time I checked that was a part of the USA. Perhaps you need geography lessons. Don't feel too bad - I know of someone who was asked where they live and they said "Hawaii" whereupon she was asked if she had a green card.|||Before even trying that, you would be wise to wait until he repairs the damage that Bush/Cheney did.|||Yea, yuck, yuck. Another faux news joke on it's viewers to keep them stirred up over lies. Yawn.|||It's actually just a poke at all those birthers out there, a teaser.

It's actually pretty funny, he seems like a nice bloke.

Get over yourself lol.|||Soon as I saw the word Fox, I felt sorry for you|||...better yet, lets DEMAND that the Attorney General arrest Obama for Constitutional TREASON ! ...Obama gave "Abd Al Rahim Al Nashim" (The MURDERING Bastard) of 17 U.S. Navy Sailors from the USS Cole (DDG67) a "pass" from being prosecuted for the MURDERS ! ...In so doing that, Obama clearly violated his Oath of Office (Constitutionally) by giving "aid and comfort" to an enemy of the United States ! Obama needs to be arrested and taken to Trial for Constitutional TREASON...(and) if convicted, taken before a US Navy firing squad and SHOT !|||http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/co鈥?/a>

Above is a copy of Mr. Obama's certification of live birth. It states the 44th president of the United States was born on August 4, 1961 in Honolulu, Hawaii to Ann Dunham. He was born at at Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women %26amp; Children. The certificate of live birth has been contended that it is an abridged certificate of birth and not an "actual" birth certificate however it serves as prima facie (at first face) evidence of the fact of birth in any court proceeding. Obama's short form was laser-printed and certified by the State of Hawaii on June 6, 2007. The Hawaii State Department of Health no longer issues the long-form Certificate and issues only the shorter Certification upon request.

TITLE 8 %26gt; CHAPTER 12 %26gt; SUBCHAPTER III %26gt; Part I %26gt; 搂 1401 (a) a person born in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof;

Above is the United States constitutional code qualifying Mr. Obama as a natural born citizen.

Summarily, Barack Hussein Obama is indisputably the legitimate 44th President of the United States of America. If you don't like his politics, vote for someone else in November, 2012.|||This was a joke at the press dinner, my friend, it was not an admission of being a Kenyan. It was pretty funny and I only wish it was an admission of guilt. For now, President Obama is still safely president of the nation.|||USA is a cosmopolitan country.people from all nations are gathered to make it.no one is really American in USA.except native Indian Americans.you were all once immigrants.

What happened to the Impeachment Trials?

What happened to Wexler, Kuninich and the trials? They came and went? Why are there criminals still in the White House and on Fixed NEwS?|||What?

You're totally out of touch with reality. Neither Wexler nor Kucinich have been impeached, nor has there been a trial.

They may be typical sleazy Democrats, but they haven't - so far as I'm aware - done anything to warrant being impeached.


When can we begin impeachment proceedings against John Boehner?

Does this question seem ludicrous?

The conservatives were asking the same thing about Obama on November 5, 2008.|||It would be an enormous mistake for the Republicans to try and impeach this President. With all of the people that are out of work this is the thing they put on their agenda as the most important thing. I know that the Republicans don't care about the poor or the middle class but surely they are not so stupid as to try something like that.

%26lt;%26lt;"Boehner - supports the CONSTITUTION... and the American Person."%26gt;%26gt; BOeNER supports lining his pockets with lobbyist money and having a dozen martinis for lunch. Republicans don't care about people. They care about shipping their jobs overseas so that the corporations can make another dollar more. I wish we could outsource congressman B-oner's job to India. I want to see him cry again.|||Not ludicrous at all, we will start impeachment proceedings on him exactly one hour after obama's impeachment is finalized. Deal?|||Screw impeachment. Where are they jobs? When are they going to fix the economy?|||Beginning early 2011.|||Speaking of 2008 and Obama. WE WON GET OVER IT|||now start the sign up campaign|||He's not a real American he's from Oompa loompa land.|||After looking at the dems losing the house, damn near losing the senate and picked up over 11 governorships, ( 3 more but the verdict is still out ) you're actually calling 150,000,000 Americans idiots if you think Bush is to blame for what the dems did.

------%26gt; You must be really smart. Smarter than 1/2 the country who seem to have a differing opinion than yours.|||There's a bit of a difference...

Obama was elected - and immediately started his assault on the constitution and the American PERSON.

Boehner - supports the CONSTITUTION... and the American Person.|||Go for it. Just don't think you will have any grounds to do so unless you are from Ohio and he is your senator. Maybe Pelosi will come out of the closet where she keeps her broom to help you.|||you can start now. good luck.|||Real mature. You Dems never learn, you should take a lesson from your submissive leader. He lost a bit of his arrogance today.|||Ever hear of the house judiciary commitee, there sunshine? Guess what?!

That's right! There's going to be some things that need airing out.|||Tit for tat mentality doesn't really help your cause.|||I'd like you to point me to an example of a "conservative" saying that on November 5th, 2008.|||When you get the House back!|||Good luck with that, Alan Grayson............I mean, Sadcat.|||liberal brilliance at its best....

Legally, how soon can impeachment proceedings be initiated?

Do we have to wait 'till after the inauguration? This stuff takes a long time to get going. Would Obama overturning the defense of marriage act be enough to get him impeached?|||Grounds for impeachment are disscussed in Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution. It states “the President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and on conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors.” So cannot stress this matter Obama does not need to be accused or convited of a LEGAL issue, notice the ambiguity of the list of impeachable offenses. The conviction does not need to be from a court of justice, it is a conviction from senate. (This is why many in Sen and the House are cautious to suggest impeachment, being anything is an impeachable offense. It is at the ruling of Senate. PS Palin for Sen!)

So a simple perjury implication or quest of his character (say if he suggests to meet with terrorists for coffee or to discuss anything without any predetermined conditions for example) is required. The catch is a 2/3 vote in the House of rep is required (th eHOS has power of impeachment), but the actuall trial is held by Senate.

The issue we face is the American public has been misinformed allowing both to be heavily weighted by Dems. Also, even though Mr Obama said "... I will change the old way of politics..." He has practiced this during his campaign and obviously is depending upon it to hold his power for at least this coming 4 yrs.

I suggest if you truly wish impeachment process to begin, write a letter to you public officals as often as you can to support this cause. They do listen... good luck to all of us ...|||Impeachment requires "high crimes or misdemeanors". It has only ever happened twice, both times for entirely political reasons on trumped up charges. Impeachment is like indictment. After that you have a trial in the senate. In both cases, Clinton and Johnson, the president was acquitted and finished out his term.

The only time impeachment has ever come close to happening for legitimate reasons was Nixon, but he resigned rather than being the first president ever impeached and convicted, which was very likely to happen.

Legally, there is no time limit, but Obama would have to be accused of something illegal while in office. No, overturning the defense of marriage act would not be enough, as it is legal to change the law, so long as he does it in the appropriate manner. I hope he does this, but I'm not sure he's got the support in congress. I don't expect it to be high on his priority list if he even wants to.|||No, he actually had to have done something wrong. Get over it people, Obama won and he's gonna do a great job!

Why do you guys keep saying stuff like "lets impeach him" or "let's assasinate him" when the man hasn't DONE ANYTHING WRONG!!

You make me sick|||Impeachment is for "high crimes and misdemeanors". He would have to commit a crime.

He has no right to "overturn" an act of Congress. If Congress overturned it, he could sign it.|||We can and should have impeached Bush long ago. What laws do you claim that Obama has broken? How can a president elect overturn a law? What is your source? The Fakes News Network?|||Dude, impeachment comes as a result of illegal activity. Besides, the Dems control congress... it ain't gonna happen.|||Just chill. Obama cannot overturn DOMA. In fact, he is in favor of DOMA.

Pay attention!|||Legally you have to prove a felony to even think about impeachment.|||wait until he really screws us up then do it, if that fails use force

Is there any way to get a president removed other than impeachment?

i mean, like can the people just start a petition or something, and with enough signatures get a president removed, just because they don't like him or something?

or does it have to be impeachment for a crime no matter what?|||you can vote him out after 4 yrs,impeachment or assasinate|||No Impeachment is the only way. You can't get rid of the President of the United States just because you don't like him. The majority voted him in office and majority rules!!!|||Yes, an election. The next one is in about 3 years. But he stands a chance of getting 4 more years.|||You could try voting, but since President Obama is about six times as popular as W, your odds are not good.

Please give reasonable answer to if Speaker Pelosi should have taken Impeachment off the table?

Please , no snarky answers to bash libs, dems, etc. Just a simple question as to whether Speaker Pelosi subverted the Constitution by taking Impeachment off the table.|||When did she take impeachment off the table? And for whom? And for what? Impeachment is the Constitutional responsibility, not the privilege, of the Congress. Congress must impeach for treason, high crimes, perjury, if these offenses are committed by persons in high office. It is not an option. It is a Constitutional responsibility. Only by exercising this authority are these offenses deterred, and, when committed, only impeachment and whatever criminal prosecutions are appropriate enable the American people to stand aside from the perpetrators and show we are a nation of laws and not of strongmen and gangsters. Failure to impeach is an endorsement of the behavior, in the name of the American people whom the Congress is elected to represent. Failure to represent the people is cause for recall of that member of Congress who so transgresses. www.garyeandrews.com|||You have tohave commited a crime, there was no crime, next question.|||Because, and I hate to say this, Pelosi is smarter than the idiots yelling for impeachment...she knows no crimes were committed and did not see the point in wasting our time with it...but they did waste their time with Major League Baseball and Steroids...our Tax dollars hard at work...you should take time to read the Constitution...it may help you, because it says High Crimes and Misdemeanors...just because you don't like the President does not mean he can be impeached...if they would have impeached Bush, they would have had to bring Bill back and charge him too since he use the same Intel to bomb Iraq on a weekly basis...and it was the Democratic President's Intel they were using and they themselve had been parroting Clinton for over half of the 90's...|||I can not believe I am saying this, and I didn't know she did it, but...

That is the right thing to do. The President has to break the law to be impeached.

She did the right thing. A lot of Bush haters think he can be impeached because they disagree with what he has done. The fact is he has done nothing "legally" wrong, and she knows it.


The Constitution provides that the President"... shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."

How and when will Obama initiate Bush/Cheney impeachment as promised?

and when is he going to officially that he's a Muslim?|||Sounds like some research may be in order...

I have to give you some credit though, your questions are fair and balanced. You have one from the far left and one from the far right.|||He's a Christian. Anyone who still believes he's a Muslim should A) realise that the accusations are based on nothing but skin colour, and B) realise that there is in fact no evidence whatsoever that his faith is Islam. He's a Christian, which is widely recognised.

...And the Bush/Cheney impeachment was a promise made by Joseph Biden, when he was campaigning for the Democratic Nomination, which he lost. These promises had nothing to do with the Presidential Election since Obama got the nomination instead of Biden, Clinton or Edwards. And the promises have nothing whatsoever to do with Obama, because he never made them.|||and when is he going to officially that he's a Muslim?

(You're missing a verb. Your statement can mean anything -- "deny" or "admit"? Didn't he say countless times he's a Christian? And if he's a Muslim, won't that render the Rev. Wright issue moot? Pretty sure he's Christian. And if not, so what?)

I didn't know he promised to have them impeached. That's new. Heh.

Besides it's too late now, isn't it?

Sorry, can't help but take a facetious tone here. Hard to believe you're serious, so it's hard to take you seriously.|||Well, just another broken promise. But he never said that one, anyway.

But, here we have the usual string of libs / 0 bamanites that blindly defend the chosen one when, if one chose to actually investigate, google 'obama muslim faith' and get 1,400,000 hits. Oh, but I'm sure all that is just lies and smears, right? Yeah, and 2/3 of his cabinet choices are virgin clean politicians, too, right?

Here, you won't even have to type it:


And another tidbit: http://www.theobamafile.com/ObamaReligio鈥?/a>|||He never promised impeachment. It is too late for that, however he very well may appoint a special prosecutor to go after the criminals in the Bush administration.

Both Bush and Cheney have admitted that they authorized torture. Yesterday a judge dismissed charges against the 20th highjacker because he was tortured.|||Oh no, you are upset that a politician made promises and is not keeping them! My heart bleeds buttermilk for you. He has so far broken almost every promise he made:

New people for a new government...Almost all his appointments are former Clinton advisors or veterans of the Democratic party.

Bring our soldiers back home...only the ones already scheduled for leave.

Hang Bush out to dry...not a possibility, nothing he did was illegal, not now not then.|||You remind me of the John Belushi character giving an editorial on Saturday Night Live, starting reasonably enough then devolving into hysteria and foaming at the mouth. Very funny.

It usually took him a couple minutes, but you did it in two sentences.

Kudos, sir, and kudos again!|||Obama never promised that. Know how I know? Because he's a lot smarter than you are, and he realizes that the President has no authority to impeach someone who is no longer holding elected office.

Next time you want to do something like this, do some research.|||These things will occur when the tape of Michelle saying "whitey" is released and when the Supreme Court unanimously holds that Obama is a citizen of Kenya.

In other words, never.|||As promised by who? And for what? You need to look up the reasons a President can be impeached. On top of that, Obama is already saying he can't fulfull his "promises." As if he ever intended to do so.|||Did you study government? They can't be impeached if they are already out of office. They are impeached by the Congress, not the Executive.|||He said he wouldn't impeach Bush and Cheney.

He'll announce he's a Muslim right after you pull your head out of your ***. In other words, it's not gonna happen.|||Impeachment?

They have to be in power to be impeached moron!|||I heard him say a lot of things. He never said he would impeach anyone and since he isn't a Muslim, he won't 'officially' proclaim he is one.|||He never promised he would impeach Bush/Cheney. Quit making stuff up.|||Obama promised that? I don't remember that, of course he did promise so much I couldn't keep up anymore.|||Obama said on television a couple of weeks ago he would not bring any actions against Bush or Cheney.|||He won't unless he is ready to be impeached and thrown from office before he gets his first taste of White House coffee.|||When did he promise that? and he's not a Muslim.

You sir are a liar.|||How do you impeach someone living as a private citizen who doesn't hold an elected office?|||When did he promise that? No rational intelligent person would make such a promise.|||Gibberish.|||Yawn.

You would think you cons would think of something new for a change.|||I really don't see BUSH III trying to impeach BUSH II, do you?|||Oh brother.|||He never promised that....and he's not a muslim....you're a child.|||never.|||I do not remember that promise? do you have a source?|||Probably right before Obama himself get's impeached.|||Its too late to do either and he never admits to anything without 8 x10 glossies and sworn statements and fbi wire taps|||He won't. It was another empty promise from the empty suit.

Do you think Impeachment should start with the VP ?

How quickly could it be done if started?|||Impeachment takes time to complete but even if it was completed after Bush and Cheney are out of office it should be done. History will show these were the worst president and vice president we have had. If we do nothing it will also show that the American people stood by while these two destroyed our world image, lied to us and took us to war, violated our laws and constitution and all the while we whimpered like kids but did nothing. They need to be removed from office BUT, have you thought about the consequences of their impeachment? Pelosi would become president and I am not sure we would be any better off. History will show we got rid of Bush and Chaney which is a plus but Pelosi can not be a part of the solution. She sounded like a good deal for America but she has turned out to be a flake and incapable of doing anymore than complain.|||No, let's start with the Senate.|||No

It would kep just over a year to do.|||no|||I can't imagine what you think this would accomplish.....just another waste of our elected officials time.|||I do not like our VP, but what high crimes and misdemeanors can we prove him guilty of?|||You would have to have a reason for impeachment. Because you don't like the guy, or you don't like what he is doing, that doesn't count.

Why don't you start this question by stating which law was broken so that impeachment proceedings could begin.|||I don't see any reason to impeach either the Vice President or the President. No one has demonstrated that either has committed a high crime or misdemeanor. One Member of Congress has introduced a resolution calling for the President's impeachment. His name is Dennis Kucinich of Ohio. That resolution was referred to the House Judiciary Committee (the committee of jurisdiction in such matters) by a recorded vote in the House last week. That is where it will die on the vine.

Impeachment and removal of the Vice President from office won't mean that he will be succeeded in office by the current Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi of California. A successor would be named by the President and he would face confimation by the House under the 25th Amendment to the Constitution.

That's how it is done in this republic. It helps to dampen down visceral hatred of any elected official that has no basis in law and also helps to sooth the impatience of those who have no understanding at all of the Constitution!|||Yes, Congress should start immediately on the impeachment proceedings. Cheney's numerous violations of office are indeed very serious crimes, and it is time to drag his criminal activities out of the dark and into the light of day.|||YES! Unquestionably. I only hope that we have the time before he starts yet another war based on lies.|||With less than one year left before the next election and with Xmas adjournment soon a reality,there simply is not sufficient time to start and complete impeachment proceedingds especially with the razor thin Dem majority in the Senate.There is simple NO momentum for impeachment and it would take months to mount such momentum before even starting impeachment proceedings.

While the Republicans had no problem impeaching Clinton for committing the high crime and misdemeanor of lying about having enjoyed oral sex in the oval office,the gutless,spineless ,repulsive ,offensive Democrats led by Palosi have no intension of impeaching Bush for having committed the HIGH CRIME AND MISDEMEANOR of waging an ILLEGAL war of choice all based upon a pack of deliberate filthy/stinking lies that has so far seen the slaughter of over 400,000 innocent Iraqi civilians.

The moral BANKRUPCY of the Democrats and the US public as evidenced by all of this ,is simply disgusting.

That Bush is going to get away with what many REPUTABLE INTERNATIONAL JURISTS are now calling Bush's Iraqi war a CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY and for him to get away without being charged as a WAR CRIMINAL is a gross injustice.

http://www.motherearth.org/bushwanted/la鈥?/a>|||Yes, because most of your problems (and Canada's alike) aren't directly related to your President but instead his other half (or in Bush's case his other 3/4). The president gives the order but most of the time the order is given to the VP to give to the people (often lost in translation). Unfortunately though, trying to convict Cheney of something under Bush's rule will be about as easy as convincing Christians that they're wrong. In politics, it's usually "blame it on someone or something else" or "blame it on someone MUCH FARTHER down the ladder". That's why when Bush screws up, the "people" of his Nation will be dead in the water before anyone even THINKS of accusing him.|||yes. The Man is evil.|||CCHHHEEEEEEEEZZZZZZ! Look at all the fertile brains that have no clue, see no clue and wouldn't know one if it hit them in their theories.

WHERE'S YOUR PROOF! Oh, in your fertile mind. Which means your mind is FULL OF IT!|||I think, you should follow the billions of us tax payer's dollars that have been lost, and that search will lead you to an off shore account that will connect you to all the cronies involved, and they should all be put in jail and waterboarded since they think it's not torcher.

Follow the Money !

Why are Americans so afraid of talking about IMPEACHMENT of the President?

We The People have a Constitutional obligation to keep our government in check. That is all but lost!|||Because it causes such damage to the nation that it must be used in only the most compelling circumstances; here, Bush is almost out of office and he is not doing any new things like starting another war that needs to be stopped right away.|||Probably because by now so much deterioration has been caused by ol' Bush and Co. that no one gives a darn anymore since things simply keep getting worse; especially with a new election and president around the corner a few months away it's rather useless to think that after 8 years, 4 months will have a rather large impact. On the other hand everyone's focusing on who they will elect next, hopefully not another Bush advocate, because if so, then I'm with you on impeachment, if it is even a valid matter to bring up and fate does not carry out its course for us then.|||For Bush it is a little late.

This country really doesn't use it.

Two have been impeached, however I have a big issue with the way they use the term. Once Impeached, they are tried in the Senate! No president has ever been convicted, so how could they really have been impeached. To me an Impeachment would mean a conviction and they would have left office. Nixon would have been impeached and convicted!

The Republicans went after Clinton for purely political purposes knowing they were not going to convict him. The Democrats could have done the same to Bush and wasted a lot of time and money, but in the end they knew Bush would never be convicted either. Maybe today, but it is to late!

Bush will get his at the world court.

I did like the way McCain confirmed this country uses torture during the debate! Something we have known about and now it will be up to the World Court to take care of Bush and his cohorts!|||This administration has come up with their own interpretation of Executive Privilege'.

So by their own 'Executive Privilege' they never even have to show up in court should they be brought up on any charges.

After this administration is over, I imagine there will be charges brought against Bush, Cheney, Rove, and the rest. But I wouldn't expect much to come of them.

Nixon wasn't above the law. He had to answer for his crimes. But somehow this Executive Privilege card that they're all playing these days seems to put them out of law's reach.

I don't get it.|||Well, we can talk about it all you like. In fact if you have any proof that President Bush has committed any impeachable offenses then Please call Congresswoman Pelosi. She is dying to get some real evidence.

(415) 556-4862

She will really love to hear from you.

(Gotta love this, Impeach Bush, LOL)|||actually... we the people only have the right to impeach a president if he or she breaks the law, sadly, Bush hasn't.

The only other way to get Bush out of office would be to start a war. Good luck with that.|||I am not when a president doesn't do a good job they should be fired like anybody else and that goes for any goverment official. They do work for us.|||Impeach who? Dont you think if the Democrats had any grounds to impeach Bush they would of by now ?|||Why discuss something that's not gonna happen? |||Funny, they had no problems with trying to do it to Bill. Go figure. Bj %26amp; lie = bad, war crimes %26amp; lies = OK!|||Even the democrat party isn't stupid enough to think this is a good idea.

fs|||impeach for what?...he has broken no laws....(that you can prove)

When will Articles of Impeachment be filed?

I expect a slew of House subpoenas to be issued in January 2011, and Articles of Impeachment to be filed by late next spring or early summer.

It all depends how angry Democrats will be at Obama by then.|||I think it's too late to impeach gw and cheney.

We can still hope for the Hague I suppose.|||That will not happen, ever. Obama is a black man, a man immune from ordinary scrutiny. The media will never subject him to such humiliation, deserved or not. He has that magic skin color: he is black. He is immune.|||I do expect the incoming GOP administration, with the full support of Democrats, to investigate and impeach Obama, There are too many questions and doubts about him not too.|||Not while Obama is still president.|||It's too late to be filed against War Criminals Bush\Cheney\Rove and company.|||They will be filed right after the moonbat police arrest you on suspicion of tinfoilhattery.|||against Bush?

.|||As soon as Nancy (who is next in line after the other two stooges) is replaced with some GOP guy.|||We should also vote out every senator and Representative with him.|||how has obama violated the Constitution?|||lets wait and see.there capable of some evil things.

What language does the Constitution use regarding impeachment?

This is a question on my homework.

I don't understand it at all and am very tempted to simply answer "english".

Please help answer :/|||Impeachment is not directed exclusively at Presidents. The Constitutional language, "all civil officers," includes such positions as Federal judge-ships.

This may be what you were looking for, I just put Constitutional Impeachment Language, and came up with several sights, of course. Cornell Law School's website is the best for information on the Constitution.|||English and Spanglish

Is the release of a clearly fraudulent Long Form Birth Certificate grounds for impeachment?

Anyone who's not an idiot (=Liberal) can see that certificate has been tampered with.|||Agrees, I wish he would be impeached but, he will buy his way out of anything as he has done in the past and will do in the future!|||you bet

he was groomed from birth as a muslim to become president

it all one big conspiracy

he is the anti christ

i'm serious

all of us birthers know he's not an american or a christian

impeach! impeach! impeach!

(vote Obama 2012)|||I don't know, also, let's wait and see if it is fraudulent. If it is, then maybe. I just wonder what took so long for Obama to release it.|||LOL,ROFLOL !!!!!! Ah the only thing dumber than a birther is a chicken...and I am not sure if the birther doesn't have enough sense to come out of the rain soooo.. it could be a tie..|||Please explain how it has been tampered with?|||Conservatism = mental disorder.|||I think so, I really hope Obama gets impeached|||How so? What's your proof of tampering?

What branch of govt has the sole power to try cases of impeachment?

the title question says it all.

just need an answer please. help!|||Article One of the United States Constitution gives the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment.

That would be the legislative branch.|||I believe it is the Legislative Branch.|||Senate|||The Legislative Branch. They are the ones that Impeached Bill Clinton.

What questions were asked to Bill Clinton by the prosecution during his Impeachment Trial?

I'm doing a mock trail for Bill Clinton and I really need this information.|||Did you or did you not stick your cigar in Monica's cooter?

Did you or did you not receive oral sex from Monica?

stuff like that....what a guy.|||It is a matter of public record.

Are you talking about the Senate hearings, or the Grand Jury testimony where he perjured himself?

Here is the transcript from the Grand Jury testimony:

WTF did some one give me a "thumbs down"? I posted the link to the actual transcription AS ASKED.

Would you be in favor of impeachment of Mr. Obombo for not enforcing immigration laws?

Surely someone should be held accountable. He's been in office for 16 months now and still refusing to uphold the immigration laws.|||Impeaching him isn't enough. That's just the trial. He needs to be convicted %26amp; removed. But with a dem congress, it won't happen. %26amp; wussy republicans, if they get power, would do it.|||No. But if he does something impeachable, I'll be right up there with you.|||Please provide evidence that Mr. OBAMA is not enforcing immigration laws. The TSA is working every day and in fact more border guards have been hired. You are watching too much Fox News, alas.|||it's not a high crime or misdemeanor so - no|||It wouldn't fly. Not enforcing that law is not impeachable.|||Once again, he is President Obama to you, and second only Congress can impeach. Since they are part of the problem in getting a workable plan to handle illegal immigrants, there will be no impeachment.|||Even if that were true, it is neither a "high crime" nor a misdemeanor, so it would be an invalid reason to impeach.|||Impeachment %26amp; conviction. Ooohh I hope Sestak has proof. But for failure to enfoce immigration laws, every president since Eisenhower is guilty.|||We need welfare reform! If people realize that they can't get a free meal ticket when coming to the US, they will think harder before trying to cross that border and breeding like cockroaches. Yes, we were all immigrants at one point, but I am sure our ancestors did not come to the US and free-loaded off of welfare.|||You would first have to point out why it is not solely his doing and not the previous 10 administrations that preceded him. There are a lot better impeachable offenses than the immigration issue, like offering a bribe to one candidate for dropping out of a senatorial race. Most of those in Congress are guilty of violating their oath of office, so what would begin with the right intentions would end up as a free for all. Lets just vote them all out of office, and pay a little bit more attention to what we're doing next time we vote eh?|||Because colored people need to band together to try to beat us whites

even so they CANT beat us white people, we discovered America (no body) was here. That is true of Equal Opportunity Employment it is a scam when you have Racial and gender profiling in Radio Shack and Vicotorias Secret through affirmative action discrimination.|||AZ SB 1070 is a state law, and the executive brance of the US government has nothing to do with enforcing state laws. As has been pointed out, not enforcing immigration laws would not be an impeachable offense. Just curious if you were in favor of impeachment, when Mr. Bush also wasn't enforcing the immigration laws.|||maybe Calderon was right----it has been the appetite for drugs by americans that contribute to continued problems.....the drug cartels are running mexico, american drug users are profitting of the drug sales, and the mexican illegals are running amok pillaging our country....it is time for the people of this country to UNITE and stop this !!!!! Obammy is diggin his own hole and come next election time----something is gonna give.....if these invaders are not stopped-----we have not seen the worst of anything yet.


With impeachment proceedings imminent, does Joe Biden have what it takes to carry the nation until 2012?

You know...Obama and his quest for absolute power. Starting wars by himself, without consent from Congress. The white house is backing Obama because they know he's in deep.|||Actually, Joe Biden seems a lot brighter than Obama at this point. At least he's smart enough to hide in the shadows right now.|||I find it odd that most basement dwellers who support the GOP here seem to have forgotten that Ronald Reagan ordered air attacks against Libya while he was president.

Why do the teabaggers want President Obama to stop what Reagan wanted to do while he was in office?

Why would you want to stop him from doing what Reagan failed at?|||Adobe engineer doubts Obama birth certificate

Concludes 'something digital came between the paper and the glass'

http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=314717#ixzz1Q鈥?/a>|||better him than 0bama

Floyed....Reagan didnt do it for 3 months. you really dont have a clue about the war powers act. educate your self and untill then STFU, moron.|||I'm not really going to answer this question because it requires too much speculation, but I'm wondering if you understand what the White House is. It says whatever Obama wants it to say.|||There won't be any impeachment proceedings happening. Obama doesn't have a quest for absolute power. I can't tell if this is trolling or just stupid.|||Joe is as competent as Obama, but he will stray and tell the truth about the corruption of the Regime.|||There shall be no impeachment.|||There are no impeachment proceedings imminent.|||Sorry, no imminent impeachment proceedings. Go take a nap.|||Impeachment proceedings are imminent? Cool! On which planet?|||he may get impeached, he will stay in power till the end of his term like bill clinton did.|||Sorry,

There are NO plans for impeachment.|||Show your proof.|||won't happen dream on

Has anyone heard of the latest from Pat Buchanan calling for the impeachment of the President?

For not patrolling the borders and allowing millions of illegals to flood the country? Has anyone heard this? Have any sites where I can read about this? Thanks!|||No, I haven't heard that but I have to agree that letting this go the way his administration has in not enforcing the laws that were already on the books is grossly negligent. They have only been working on this problem with any diligence for the past few months.

How many Americans would sign a petition to remove Obama by impeachment as the president?

I would sign one.

To the idiots that answered this asking on what grounds. How about

1. Voter irregularities around the country, during the 2008 Presidential Election, involving ACORN and illegal voter registration.

2. The questionable funding and television sponsorship of Obama which unfairly presented the facts between each candidate.

3. Barack Hussein Obama II actual birth place.

4. His application and subsequent acceptance of a fellowship scholarship as a Foreign Citizen

5. His recent comments claiming America is no longer a Christian Nation

6. His comments claiming America is a Great Muslim Nation.

7. His seeking to take over and control the banking institution

8. His take over actions of America%u2019s auto industry

9. Grave concerns of releasing Classified Military Documentation

10. The impending closure of GUTMO

11. His continued apologies to foreign countries about America being a strong Nation.

This is NOT a leader I want over me.|||It depends on how many stupid ones believe a petition is an actual method by which a President is impeached.|||You cant impeach him...and even if you did it wouldn't be by petition. Impeaching is only available if hes done something illegal, learn your stuff.|||30%.

The same % that still like Sarah Palin.|||Start with me. I'll sign.|||Unfortunately, he hasn't committed an impeachable offense ... yet. I wish stupidity and fascism counted.|||I WOULD......

and pale face....THE majority of AMERICA realizes they made a mistake and are not backing him any longer. EVEN the dems today made a HUGE statement by defeating his public option and said it won't pass the next vote either and as far as they are concerned the health care bill is done!

so it isn't just republicans...but the majority of AMERICA and even the dems!

Pathlion...you are clueless as to what AMERICA is about now. LISTEN TO THEM...they do not LIKE HIM...they are ANGRY at him...and they do not TRUST HIM! THE WORLD IS LAUGHING AT HIM...and he is kissing their butts.

The man is despicable as a commander in chief who is ignoring our military. NOt just ignoring them but tells them he will deal with them when he gets back from copenhagen while he talks about OLYMPICS! Our military is in bad shape and needs a commanding leader to TAKE CHARGE and SUPPORT THEM..not put them on the back burner after health care and OLYMPICS and LENDING GORE almost 600 million dollars to start a green car company (where is the government supposed to do THAT?).....!

NEVER IN HISTORY has there ever been a commanding leader that IGNORED HIS ARMY DURING TIME OF WAR!

HELL EVEN SADDAM HUSSIEN GAVE HIS MILITARY WHAT THEY NEEDED! THIS IDIOT IS WORSE THAN HIM|||Not enough to make it actually happen.|||Almost all of them, if he does something clearly illegal.

Almost none of them if he doesn't.

We still believe in "innocent until proved guilty". Hope you do, too.|||not many|||i dont see why people hate him so much. if its because he hasnt changed much in the us, hes only been in office for not that long. these things take more than a couple of months. if its cuz hes black, your a rasist nazi! well, not realy a nazi, but your still pretty bad.|||I'm guessing it would be the same amount as Glenn Becks viewership numbers. Just a wild guess.|||The ones whose family trees don't branch.|||You would be surprised to find that people tend to say one thing and do another.|||The distinct possibility exists that the rulers of Iran may go David Koresh and Jim Jones on us any time within the next two years. They have said on US radio interview that they are in direct communication with the Mahdi now. They say they are going to do it, that it is divine will so I think it is best at this point to take them at their word as to how insane they have actually gone unless we see actions soon otherwise to dispel this impression.

Now is not a good time for a long drawn out impeachment mess. He is busy with his friends anyway making crooked business deals such as those for his friends in Chicago concerning the Olympics. Best to keep moving fast and ruthlessly towards the next congressional election and remove enough Democrats to make him irrelevant so that things that need to be done can be done quickly, as quick as possible.|||who would you prefer?.....the other bush...remember him...the one that fixed gwb's second term........beats me why high profile crooks seem to get off with everything......|||I would say at least 48% of the people , then even more to the ones that woke up .|||Your hatred is showing through and makes no sense.|||As stated, that isn't the way a sitting President gets impeached. First off, he has to do something really illegal. Illegal enough that it would be tried in court. Nothing he has done yet has violated the Constitution.

Polls indicate he still has above 50% approval rating, with about a 40% disapproval. So that would really have to start going down. The Olympics is about prestige, if Chicago were to get it, it would provide a lot of jobs in the Midwest building the materials for the Games. Other presidents have championed getting the Olympics in the U.S. as well.|||A petition, are you kidding me. This is the freakin United States of America.|||Since he just started office I would give him time then we'll see.|||I would- He is giving money to terrorists, wants to take everyones money, then use the money on some stupid government programs that we don't need.

The colonist left England for a reason, the government was too big in there lives, just saying.|||I see you're still crying! Get over it, Obama is the President!!|||Obama is what we need, he got enough votes, he won his presidency fair and square, stop being a ***** and trying to throw a fit cuz your clone of a bush didn't win.

TO THE CHICK UNDER ME! You need to get your facts straight, everybody who has voted for him is still backing him up, he's been doing more in these past months than Bush did in all his 8 year in office, how about watching the news? Reading some articles? What are you, stupid? I bet you get your resources from the Enquirer :D

Is it possible for a citizen to, and how would they, start a petition to begin the impeachment process?

Regarding a grass roots movement to impeach the president.|||Jesus, don't you realize how sad and pathetic these kinds of questions make you appear?|||Well first he has to commit an impeachable offense....|||Get OVER It already- hes not going to be impeached, and thats THAT.|||It is not possible consitutionally for a private citizen to start imeachment proceedings. However, if you feel this strongly, I suggest you contact your Congressional Representative. Imeachment proceedings ALWAYS start in the House of Representatives. They are the ones to investigate charges and hand down the indictment of the president.|||A person can't start impeachment proceedings but the state legislatures can start one by a joint resolution.. This is according to Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives. Three or four states have introduced resolutions.

As for a case for the impeachment of the president, How about failing to uphold the oath of office that he swore to. Then there is the little thing about wiretapping Americans. I know 9/11, terrorists, safety etc etc. The only thing it has recently been revealed that he started his illegal wiretapping and wire transfer searches in February of 2001. So who is he spying on and why. Because it can't be terrorists, after all 9/11 happened. That is an impeachable offense, just ask John Dean or any of the Watergate gang.|||You have to have a reason to impeach the President of the United States, George W. Bush..|||Although there are no grounds to impeach the president many have tried. Here is a website for sore losers trying to do that. http://www.votermarch.org/petitions.htm My advice quit trying to get even for Clinton's perjury impeachment|||Get over it. He's got a year and half left, and there are no grounds for impeachment. NONE.

Besides, there are already plenty of "movements" to impeach the president. Only thing is, it's not going to happen.|||Mike ~

Name the grounds - the actual charges - specific things that you can identify just how, when, where and why the president has broken the law. You can't do it, so save your time and go back to lighting up your farts. Better yet, grab some history, government and legal books and try to learn what the heck you are talking about, and about how things actually happen in this country. Don't be such a moron and believe all the garbage on the evening news.|||I wish! Most people I knew would have started the process six years ago! Only two more years. ( sigh)|||When are you people going to get over it? What has he done that would cause him to be impeached? What high crime or misdemeanor do you think he's guilty of? Not what you hear on Air America or read in the NY Times but what is he really guilty of. And before you say lying to start a war please go find a dictionary and look up the definition of "lie". I just want to save you from looking more ignorant then you already do. I know you people can't get over Clinton being impeached but he did break the law.

Will Republicans have to press impeachment to stop them from sharing a Snuggie with him in the 2012 election?

All it would take is a Democrat that is not from Washington to campaign against "Obama and the Republicans" in 2012 when things have not gotten better.|||When the economy started getting "too good" during Clinton's second term, they attacked him with wild accusations, special prosecutors and LAW SUITS to try to destroy his legacy - it worked unfortunately.|||Won't work. As long as he or she runs as a Dem they are doomed. The Republicans have the next two Presidential elections in their column.|||Obama's gone sorry about your lu.ck

WHEN it becomes known that Obama delayed a Gulf response for political ends, will you support impeachment?

Obviously, this kind of thing doesn't come out right away, it will take months or years. But when it comes out, can we count on Dems to stay intellectually honest and impeach our lying President?|||I don't think he can be impeached for incompetence, but he can be impeached for authorizing the Romanoff/Sestak bribes. But, purportedly, never a bribe... but always a bribe made.

Our so-called President BO has been lying even long before he was launched by Bill Ayers.|||That's not an impeachable offense. You seriously need to check out the constitution pal.|||If any President intentionally and maliciously delayed response to such a disaster of course that would be grounds for impeachment. There is no evidence that's what occurred. None. You can't provide me a single shred of evidence to suggest it did.

By the way, it's very bad taste for a white conservative to use a black avatar.|||What kind of political end could POSSIBLY come out of delaying a response to an oil spill? I'm not willing to entertain baseless conspiracy theories.|||Bush first.|||I'm a republican. How did he lie regarding the Gulf response? Why does he deserve impeachment? I'm just curious.

I don't think his actions regarding this right now deserve impeachment, and can't foresee it happening.|||I'm not A Dem but i surely will support his impeachment!|||first off,why would he do that politically? i see chaney Had's not open his mouth about it...why?|||IF that is the case, which I highly doubt, I would ask that he resign.|||yes|||Yea, It's not as if he Lied to congress about having an affair in the oval office!|||The Secretary of the Interior had a plan in place to be executed unless otherwise directed.

It was NOT executed.

Exactly ONE human has authority to "otherwise direct" a Cabinet Secretary.

Therefore we already KNOW Obama delayed a Gulf response.|||Impeachment talk is as goofy now as it was during the Bush and Clinton Administrations. It just goofy talk by people who think that it could happen, but it won't. That is not to say that Obama's administration is not a train wreck because it is. And it appears as though he is most likely going to be a one term President if the GOP nominates someone who is closer to the political middle. Lib/conserv is meaningless as this is a moderate country and thats who elects Presidents, moderates. I am a lifelong Dem and I would hope that the moderats in the Party would run a candidate in the next Presidential primary, otherwise Obama is simply giving the White House back. As a Dem, I can say that I will not vote for him again even if the GOP does run some toothy, blow dried wack. I voted for Obama but I am man enough to say it was a mistake and while the media kept us all worked up about Palin (really is Biden better???) we missed the chance to have at least one term of McCain. McCain, a true hero, even for one term might have carried us through this mess. For sure we can't have an Obama administration that reacts to every problem by pointing backward to Bush. I actually have a pretty feeling about Bush now, Obama is that bad. Impeachment though? Grow up. Change Congress this year and that will be the best start and work to get a better candidate in the next Presidential election.|||Such a thing CANNOT "become known" because it didn't occur. If you watched something other than Faux, you'd know about whitehouse.gov/Deepwater-BP-Oil-Spill or The White House Blog websites which list in chronological order, beginning with April 20 at 10:30---the day of the explosion, just how completely involved the Obama administration has been from the git-go. DHS, DOC, DOI, EPA, Coast Guard headed by Rear Admiral Mary Landry (who was named On-Scene Coordinator on April 20). Four helicopters, two Coast Guard cutters, and one rescue plan team were dispatched as soon as the explosion occurred. Also mobilized was the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to provide trajectory support and scientific weather and biological response services. An envirnmental command center was established to address the environmental impact and to coordinate with all state and local governments. How do ya' like DEM apples, teabagging evangelicals? Our current president, Barack Obama, has NOT lied; however, Faux news and its affiliates certainly do more often than not.|||If that were true I would cease to support him, but where is the evidence??? Plus, why are some conservatives assuming that Obama has so much power in influencing this spill, of course he does have some, but come on, we live in a democracy, not a dictatorship, the guy at the top is not in charge of everything. And since when did certain Republicans start critiquing him for supporting offshore drilling, which they may hold in common. It seems like any dishonest excuse is used to paint the opponent as diabolical, instead of good reasons. This equally applies to certain liberals during the Bush era. Even though I barely agreed with Bush on most things, he did not deserve to be blamed for everything. Why does politics have to be such a black and white war-zone?|||Yea dude - that will come out right after we learn Bush blew the levees and ordered a missile strike on the Pentagon...

Oh wait - actually this doesn't make any sense. Because Obama's response to the gulf disaster was a speech... That pipeline is and was private property. The test of fortitude comes now in how responsible should BP be for this cleanup and how much legal liability from the states affected by this.

Try a little common sense. BP's delay was due to their priorities. Saving the pipeline. Saving the spewing oil. Saving money (if possible) in the process.

I am going to be floored if Cheney actually made the point this question asker is making. I disagree with Cheney just about every way philosophically, but i do give him some credit for logic. That is retarded to suggest that Obama pressured BP to keep the spill a secret and then delay operations for what again??? So that libs could demonize BP and drilling??? Uhm okay. right..|||Look, he did not have sex with that woman !! ( of course "oral" is not considered sex in Arkansas ) So there Supreme Court ! Has anyone invented a big sucking machine yet. You know, to suck up the oil? Load it up in tankers then sink them off the coast of North Korea. And while we're at it can we have a commando team sink the USS Pueblo tied up at that North Korean dock and used as a museum attraction ? How about we take up a collection ? Maybe a bake sale ? Wow ! So much thumbing down on such a hypothetical question. Sorry, but, Religion %26amp; politics are such easy targets. ( sorry Hilary )|||Democrats don't care.

Democrats Support Obama's Corrupt Chicago Politics.

And they, of course, Support His Lies.

Democrats do really look to Obama as their Messiah.

Just as long as Democrats get their Welfare Checks on time.......................

Will the press remind us that tomorrow is the 10th anniversary of Slick Willie's impeachment?

December 19th, 1998. A date that will live in humidor history.|||seems like yesterday.

It was also the 10th anniversary of the 11th month Hillary made his sleep on the couch.|||Not bloody likely, but thanks for the info.|||Probably - I wonder if the press will remind us of the date Clinton was acquitted by the senate.|||Ole wild willie trick.|||they could but who cares we are waiting and watching to see what goes down in chicago. hey we could have an impeachment there now that would be a true blessing or a late october surprise|||Of course they will fool.|||Who were those guys paying off Linda Tripp?

Pappy Bush? Tom DeLay?|||This joke is crude but I have heard that Bill screwed Monica and Bush screwed America.

BTW what impeachment - Will the press remind us of yet another lame failed attempt by Republicans ?

edit %26gt;both my Mother and myself were / are Military widows.|||Probably. Does it matter?|||Possibly. They'll probably also note that he was acquitted, something you missed mentioning. Imagine that.|||And look how far we've come since then! Only two wars, massive debt and unemployment, a President who completely disregards rights guaranteed by the Constitution, and a country that has a diminished reputation in the eyes of the entire world.

Thanks for reminding us.

Who would preside over an impeachment trial where the chief justice is being impeached?

Please cite your source!|||The Chief Justice only serves when the President or Vice President is impeached. In all other cases the Vice President, who also serves as President of the Senate, presides. In his/her absence, the President pro tempore (Senator Byrd currently) would preside

http://www.senate.gov/artandhistory/hist鈥?/a>|||Article 3, section 2 of the United States Constitution.

The Vice President would be the leader of an impeachment as the supreme court does not get involved in this preceding unless the President himself is being impeached.

"The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be by Jury; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed."|||The US Senate.

The House of Representatives would have to bring charges (impeach) and then refer the inditement to the senate for trial. It would take 2/3 of the Senate to convict.

Presumably the Vice President would oversee the trial. Only one Justice has ever been impeached but the Senate failed to convict him.

If Obama acted like Bush did during the Tsuanami would the country be demanding an impeachment?

Bush was on vacation when the tsunami hit, and did nothing for 3 days, then on day four he made a brief mumbled statement for about 40 seconds, and offered to send 15 million in US aid to be divided up among the 18 or so countries affected. Later he was reprimanded and decided to make it 35 million instead.|||Obama does not like America, Americans or the American way of life. After 12 months or so in office, the American taxpayers are beginning to really get to know Barack Hussein Obama.

The Lefties repeatedly pitch our nation as an evil, bigoted, greedy, capitalistic, militarily-oppressive regime that loves to squish the underdogs.

It is America that rocks the hardest in regard to real relief. We blow away other nations. Whether it is a tsunami or an earthquake, you can count on evil, mean, nasty, bigoted, murderous, Christian American men and women to be the first responders to offer no-BS help in time of need.

It’ll be interesting to see how many (and at what level) Muslim organizations and nations, atheist organizations, Code Pink, PETA punks, Chavez and Castro, GLSEN, euro-socialist dillweeds, Green Peace, and Avatar’s woodsy blue people pony up and help the Haitians through their hellish nightmare. I wonder if they’ll even come close to our American Judeo-Christian largesse?

It’s also really interesting to me how mean, white Americans run to relieve a city that’s 99.9% black without blinking. At least we’re not going around like Reid, Biden and Byrd and calling them “clean Negroes” who can turn their black slang on and off. o_O|||Of course.

If Bush had waited 7 months to make a decision to send or withdraw troops... there would have been a civil uprising.

Obama is NOT Bush.

Obama is given a pass... by the press, by non-whites, by the young...|||Quit complaining about Mr. Bush. It is childish. The US did everything it could to help victims...who happened to be about 10,000 miles away from the US.

Haiti is 200 miles away. See a difference?|||Bush was not on vacation and made a special trip to LA to urge the governor and Ray Nagin to evacuate and they refused to do so. Bush placed FEMA and had the NG placed on stand by so after Katrina hit the NG was able to go right in and start reliefe efforts.

the big tragedy in NO was the fault of the Democrats in charge to take measures to ensure the peoples safty. since then those democrat leaders have been replaced with republicans.|||I'm glad Obama took swift action. Problem is, He has issues with swift action whenever it comes to most issues in the United States.|||You Bush blamers are every bit as funny as the birthers...thanks for the laugh.|||If Bush had taken sides in a local issue and sided with his friend and called the police racist there would have been an uprising too.

If the Fed made RECORD profits under Bush, Dims would call for an investigation but not when BHO is president.

If Bush spent like Obama, Dims would have called for a balanced budget amendment, but we all know this isn't the case for Obama.|||I don't fault Bush. There are other countries in the world. There are many countries that are a little closer to Indonesia than the USA that are also "modern." Indonesia has not always been our friend especially not in recent years and Burma just wanted the cash. I'm all for contributing an equal share to other Muslim countries. (The Muslim countries didn't contribute anything).

Good for Bush!

Obama, our hero, could he be using this as a giant photo op?|||Don't you dare start making this tragedy into a political partisan "blame bush" game. What a despicable attitude!

You notice conservatives are not incessantly mentioning how it took Obama 6 days to react recently. When a president is on vacation, according to democrats, the nation should be thankful to those who are handling the situation very well...thank you very much!|||stop worrying about politics and send a ******* 5 dollar donation instead.

the tsunami killed like 30k people or something, the death toll in haiti is expected by some to reach well over half a million.

and just because earthquakes cause tsunamis does not mean they're the same ******* thing you ignorant c*nt, a tsunami's just a wave. half of a country got destroyed the other day, and its like the 3rd or 4th poorest country behind burkina fasso and sierra leone and whatnot in west africa. have some ******* respect!

p.s. i hated bush just for the record, but F*CK YOU|||Herein lies all of America`s current problems : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UErR7i2on… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4-AKcH3e…|||Amazing as it may seem, Earthquakes in Asia or Haiti are NOT OUR PROBLEM.

A Recession is our problem.

That Bush in good times gave a couple million each to 18 countries is commendable.

And since many of these were anti US Muslim nations, the fact he wanted to give HALF that is ALSO commendable.

Compare this to the INSANITY of Obama who, in a RECESSION, is pledging 100 MILLION to a SINGLE nation KNOWN as a perpetual money pit of corruption.

WTF? Obama is a walking hemorrhage of American tax dollars - but you think he's a GENIUS because he acted QUICKLY.

REALLY? You think Barry did good here?

Your answer is NO.

My guess is that half the nation is pissed because Obama has NOT acted like Bush.

Seriously, Obama makes Bush look brilliant.|||Your statement is false. The first link is probably where you got your lies from. The second is the actual story.

Please stop spreading lies. It is one thing to disagree politically, quite another to try to destroy people's faith in America. Our Naval Vessels responded to the Tsunami struck areas as soon as they heard. The valiant American Crewmen even rationing their own drinking water to help those in distress.

I hope you were only misled and not deliberately spreading this nonsense.

Compare the two links. I await your retraction.

*|||Do you even know what "impeachment" means?

Please, take a civics class before you start throwing around words you don't understand.

Nothing Bush did to help after the Tsunami, and nothing Obama is doing now to help with the earthquake, are "impeachable offenses".|||Regardless of any Tsunami, Bush or any other excuse you can come up with Obama should be impeached for crimes of high treason.|||Links please. Obama is catching up with Bush .Incompetence takes no practice. Obama and Bush came by it naturally.

Do you think the impeachment of Bill Clinton was justified?

I am doing a history research paper and would like to know the opinion of the public. Thank you!|||Well it's up to you to decide, but if you lied under oath to a grand jury you WOULD be sent to federal prison. Clinton lied under oath and they let him off because he was president.|||if his actions rose to that required by the legal definitions, one could say it was justified.

However, I would have preferred that Clinton's private business would have stayed private. Our country did not benefit by the pot-stirrers

Now that I think about it, I was more disappointed by the people who tried to use the event for political gain than I was by Clinton's immoral actions|||The liberals ( the supposed defenders of females) lie when they say it was about sex...it was NOT...It was about perjury in a SEXUAL HARRASSMENT case...Clinton lied under OATH...not oath of office...about sexually harassing an employee...where was the outrage from NOW (National Org. of Women) absent for a fellow lib...

He should have been removed from office not just impeached

But then again liberals will excuse ANYTHING done by one of their own...even MURDER....right Teddy???|||Come up with your own opinion of it instead of just taking after others.

If you can't stand for something, you'll fall for any thing.

In my opinion, yes it was justified.|||Yes, It wasn't the affair thing so much as people would have you think the reason for his impeachment He lied under oath about a whole host of things that had to with with the Lewinsky affair.|||it was the kindest thing they could have done to him. he should have been locked up for treason, corruption and sexual harassment.|||Yes, as he lied under oath.

If you recall his law license in Arkansas was also revoked.|||Yes and I also believe he should have been convicted for perjury.|||Yes. So some chick blew his whistle, big deal. The problem is he lied to a Grand Jury. The End!|||Yes.|||no

if hilary had handled her business that would have never happened

she should have been there before monica had a chance

What do the 60% of Americans feel now that Impeachment is being called for Obama?

From Kuhner's column:

President Obama has lost his legitimacy to remain in office. The Libyan war has exposed the administration's lawlessness and rampant criminality. If Republicans and conservatives are serious about restoring constitutional government, they will demand that Mr. Obama be impeached.|||LOL! If GW Bush didn't get impeached, no president might ever get impeached again. 8^)

The Republican impeached Clinton too, and just as you might expect, it was a political circus, totally partisan, based on fake charges. They only really wanted to embarrass him and politically neutralize him. But it backfired on them. Clinton's popularity figures during the impeachment were the highest of his presidency, and they were never below 66% after that.

It's getting close to 2012 and the Repubs don't even have a field of plausible candidates to run against Obama. They need to stop whining like little kids and come up with a genuine alternative program beyond just accusing Obama of socialism and fascism, as if they were exactly the same thing.|||You have to of had committed a crime in order to be impeached. "Impeached" doesn't mean that you take someone out of office because you don't like them.

And no, Republicans and Conservatives aren't serious about "restoring constitutional government" because there's nothing to "restore" it to, since there's never actually been a time in the history of the U.S. where everyone could sit around and say to themselves "you know, we really have a "constitutional government".

You want to "demand" that someone be impeached. Then you must charge President Obama with a crime, and then you will be asked by quite a few people, to produce the evidence.

Your play...|||From our UK point of view, Obama was seen to be dithering over he question of Libya. We have a mandate from the UN to go in and create a no-fly zone. We all know of course that shooting down Qaddafi's jets is not going to stop his tanks. So, the 'alliance' backed up by the Arab League, has had to take them out too.

At least the Rebels are grateful for the help they've had so far.

Everyone wants there to be a victory for the Rebels, but not/not at the expense of the involvement of NATO boots on the ground. No. Everything will be done to help the Rebels and that means medical aid and equipment and etc. All of which can very easily and quickly be sent to Benghazi from Italia by sea.

What puzzles people here in UK is just how powerless a US President really is.

Thankfully the French have no such problem and did not wait for permission and flew off immediately to begin the business of creating a no fly zone.

Here in the UK the Prime Minister does not have to consult with anyone on the question of going to war. But for reasons of good manners a motion was tabled in the Commons and it got the approval of over 500 of the 650 or so MPs - done.|||No one is calling for that.

Impeachment is just something that Righties ALWAYS call for if THEIR candidate doesn't win.

This is for a number of reasons. But primarily they are ...

1) Righties are consummate whiners ,,, incapable of playing by the rules.

2) They HATE Democracy .... they desire a ONE PARTY nation ... kind of a Totalitarian society .... something that their Messiah ... Rupert Murdoch ... (self proclaimed fascist) ... is drilling into their skulls.

Thanks for the two points.


PS ... I wish people who aren't US citizens would stop complaining about our President.|||First of all people have been calling for his impeachment from day one when the judge messed up the oath. They said the tax law exposed his lawlessness. Heath care was rampant with criminality... but they also believe in death panels and that he is not a us citizen.

No one is calling for his impeachment, its not even been decided yet if what he did was illegal.Let's remember that other Presidents have initiated conflicts without prior congressional approval, including President Bill Clinton (Serbia) and President George H.W. Bush (Somalia). So once again we are holding Obama to a standard we did not hold our other leaders to... why is that? Why does he have a different set of rules then the other Presidents?

Also your numbers are wrong. According to Galup 47% aprove only 37 dissaprove.


And according to this on line poll 55% of americans think the idea of impeaching him is stupid.

http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics鈥?/a>|||the fact that

60% of "Conservatives" feel that Obama should be Impeached

is in fact irrelevant

.|||Republicans were criticizing the President for not jumping in right away on Lybia. Now that he has, they are criticizing him for doing so. GOP spells "hypocrite".|||Obama is a horrible leader. But he fairly won so unless he breaks the law or makes a stupid war decision we will just have to wait until his term ends.|||Would you mind providing a link or something to show where you came up with that number, cause that's the first I've heard of it.|||If Bush isn't tried for war crimes, then Obama, with UN approval, won't be impeached. Get a grip!|||That figure is way off.|||That would be a good thing!!|||?

I do not understand the question? 1 lone wolf calling for impeachment hardly represents anything?

I am really confused...... Please delete and rephrase this question in a less ambiguous and more articulate manner. If you could provide additional support for whatever point you are attempting to make this could possibly be beneficial as well.

I will at least provide the courtesy to others by putting the entire article up for their review:

President Obama has lost his legitimacy to remain in office. The Libyan war has exposed the administration's lawlessness and rampant criminality. If Republicans and conservatives are serious about restoring constitutional government, they will demand that Mr. Obama be impeached.


Also, Mr. Obama further insults the nation by asking for a resolution from the United Nations Security Council instead of seeking the approval of the American people. His actions demonstrate that he thinks a supranational institution, such as the United Nations, supersedes Congress. He also is tacitly relegating the Constitution to second-class status, especially compared to the U.N. charter. His actions undermine America's national sovereignty and make our foreign policy hostage to a virulently anti-American international body. Mr. Obama has betrayed his country, his constitutional oath of office and his duty as commander in chief.

The Libyan war is part of a pattern of Mr. Obama's unethical and criminal behavior. He passed Obamacare against the express will of the American people, systematically abusing the political process even though the federal government has no constitutional authority to take over health care. He has appointed countless policy "czars" possessing sweeping Cabinet-level powers without Senate consent or oversight. His cronies have directly sought to manipulate or interfere in Democratic primary campaigns on behalf of pro-Obama candidates - a flagrant violation of the law.

Mr. Obama is a socialist thug. Since entering office, he has engaged in a massive, almost unprecedented power grab. He thinks he is above the law, that he can cavalierly circumvent the limits imposed by the Constitution. Only one remedy will teach him that he cannot do so: impeachment.


Along with remarks he made a little prior:

The Slaughter Solution is a poisoned chalice. By drinking from it, the Democrats would not only commit political suicide. They would guarantee that any bill signed by Mr. Obama is illegitimate, illegal and blatantly unconstitutional. It would be worse than a strategic blunder; it would be a crime - a moral crime against the American people and a direct abrogation of the Constitution and our very democracy.

It would open Mr. Obama, as well as key congressional leaders such as Mrs. Pelosi, to impeachment. The Slaughter Solution would replace the rule of law with arbitrary one-party rule. It violates the entire basis of our constitutional government - meeting the threshold of "high crimes and misdemeanors." If it's enacted, Republicans should campaign for the November elections not only on repealing Obamacare, but on removing Mr. Obama and his gang of leftist thugs from office.

It is time Americans drew a line in the sand. Mr. Obama crosses it at his peril.


This sounds more like an emotional marketing appeal rather than a logical request for impeachment. which is odd because Kuhner is a radio talk show host.


If you google:"Kuhner and republicans" - About 408,000 results (0.19 seconds) you clearly find even top republicans distance themselves from Kuhner.

If you google: Kuhner odd comments - You see how 90% of politicaly influential Americans feel about him

----------------------|||Impeach him right now

Who presides over an impeachment hearing of a President in the Senate?

got this class for criminal Justice and I need this answered for some credit. could anyone help me?|||The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.|||Explain to us all exactly why you refuse to READ THE DAMN CONSTITUTION.


I want to know.

Will it bite you?

Will monsters get you?

Will you turn into a frog?

I ask this question all the time, and no one has yet had the balls to answer it.


This belongs in yahoo's new category



THIS is why oiur schools need to teach civics.

http://www.constitutionfacts.com/|||The idea of going to school is to learn how to find the answers to things. If not, when do you ever stop asking someone else? Hint: It's in the US Constitution which is something someone studying criminal justice should have at least a passing acquaintance with.|||The Chief Justice of the United States.

(Article 1, Section 3 of the Constitution)

http://www.usconstitution.net/const.html|||They have Criminal Justice classes in Elementary School now?|||The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by a trial in the US Senate .

What did Andrew Jackson do during the nullification crisis to get himself into the impeachment process?

what did he do that was so bad? i really want 2 know in detail

thanks in advance|||The censure of Andrew Jackson by the US Senate was as a result of the manipulation of the cabinet concerning the Bank of the US. The Congress as a whole, was strongly behind his actions over Nullification.

The president can appoint interim cabinet officers while Congress is not in session. This is what happened with the series of Secretaries of the Treasury, designates, that were appointed and later fired for not re-directing US deposits from the BUS to the State banks. Congress was not in session, and Jackson was using this opportunity to get a man in who would do what he wanted and then once the re-direction of US funds was accomplished, he'd deal with the review process later. Not a bad strategy politically, really.

He did eventually find one who would do the deed, and this was used by the Senate to censure him, since the Senate had the power to advise and consent to the appointment. The Senate at the time (the word Senate here is pronounced Henry Clay) believed that the President didn't have the authority to fire his appointees, without Senate consent.

There's a partisan motive here (is there anything in Congress that hasn't one?) because Clay was a major supporter of the Bank, and chair of the Finance committee who would investigate the Treasury appointment. Add to this that in 1824, while Clay was Speaker of the House, he had used his influence to direct his supporters to vote for John Quincy Adams instead of Andrew Jackson.

The electoral process was more complicated then, third parties and multiple candidates for President were legion, and Clay's strategy for getting elected President often involved there being no clear majority for any single candidate, thus throwing the election to the House of Representatives, where he had a lot of influence. In 1824, there were 4 candidates for President, the votes going to Adams, Jackson, Clay and Crawford. These four divided up the electoral vote so that no one person had more than 50% of the entire college vote (hypothetically, with 300 votes, it would take 151 for one candidate, and these 4 divided up the votes more like 125, 100, 50, and 25, if the number 3 man throws his votes to the number one man, the number 1 man is president, while it would need the number 3 and 4 men to throw their votes to the number 2 man to elect him)

What actually happened was that Clay threw his votes to Adams, who was elected, and (both Adams and Clay said there was no connection) a few weeks later Adams asked Clay to be his Secretary of State, a post from which more men had been elected President than any other post. There had been 4 former Secretaries of State elected President from among the first 6 Presidents.

This election and the appointment that followed, was what the Democrats referred to as "the corrupt bargain".

Jackson was definitely the type to hold a grudge,among his last words were that he regretted not having killed Henry Clay.|||I'm sorry that I can't answer you in full detail, but I know that he fired someone that he couldn't fire because of something in the Constitution. If you need to know the answer right now, you could always Google it.|||Check out the wikipedia entry.

I did not find any reference to impeachment of Jackson - athough Andrew Johnson was almost impeached in 1868

How soon after the hotel affair video surfaces can we start Obama's impeachment proceedings?

Well, we have to get him to lie about said affair under oath first %26amp; considering how well he lies..that might be a challenge

..."I did not have sex with that woman..."

Hmm where have I heard that before? LOL|||Well, first you'll have to schedule an appt with him to ask if and when he plans on having an affair at a seedy hotel, and if the answer is yes, then you'll have to ask if you can tape him.|||Its not a crime and the democrats will find a way to spin it so that Obama was trapped in to cheating by the tea party

Remember the 4th estate is right in his hip pocket|||It is not an impeachable offense. It only displays a lack of character. I think we pretty much already figured that out.

*|||as soon as he denies it under oath on that one, however he has committed other crimes while in office for which we could impeach him|||Impeachment is a trial not kicking you out of office.|||We can't. Even if he did cheat, there is no credible evidence and it's not an impeachable offense.|||He's buddies with the Clintons--no witnesses are ever left behind! Shades of Vince Foster.....|||I don't think that's an impeachable offense.|||What exactly is the impeachable offense?|||I hope soon|||" JUMP IN " the water is lovely

Best of luck with it|||It's the National Enquirer ... don't count on it being true.|||Sex is not a crime.|||Give him a few hours|||I bet that if ur married, your wife is cheating on u with a black guy.... hahaha

How does the impeachment of a president work?

What is the process in impeaching a president? thanks|||First charges have to be filed in the House. Then there is a vote and a majority have to agree to impeach the President. From there it moves to the Senate where they hold a trial and then vote whether or not to remove the President from office.

In the history of the United States only two Presidents have been impeached and both were politically motivated. None have ever been removed from office although Nixon did resign before the impeachment charges were filed.|||If Bush didn't get impeached, then there is no real process, or the process does not work.|||Basically the Senate acts as a judge and jury during an impeachment. After reviewing the evidence, they decide whether they should remove an elected official from office, and may recommend criminal charges.

Oh, and an impeachment is warranted when there is evidence that an elected official (not necessarily the POTUS) has committed a high crime or misdemeanor.

The impeachment is the hearing, not the removal from office.|||Well, first of all, he has to be accused of "high crimes and misdemeanors". Exactly what that means is still, to this day, debatable. He has to break the law. You can't impeach a president because you don't like the jeans he's wearing or because his wife wore shorts on their vacation.....Apparently Bush lying to the American public in order to start a phony war in which thousands of American and Iraqi citizens would be killed and that would make all his buddies rich doesn't even qualify as a crime..... As much as the conservatives would like to think that he has, Obama trying to reform healthcare, is not breaking a law.....|||I sure hope someone can figure out how to do it and make it work soon before we are no longer the United States of America and we are turned into something else.|||The House of Representatives drafts articles of impeachment. Only a simple majority in the House is needed to impeach the president.

Once the president is impeached, then there is a trial in the senate. The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court presides. A two-thirds vote is required in the Senate to remove the president from office. Less than a two-thirds vote and he remains in office.|||Impeachment is the word for indictment for president. Clinton was impeached but wasn't convicted. Nixon was impeached and step down form office.

Impeachment works like indictments only they are made by congress.